Chapter Six: loosing grip, tightening attachment

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Chapter Six: Loosing grip, tightening attachment

I was standing outside Mr. Donald's office. I was debating if I should really do whatever Meynard had said to me. Incident report... Psh. Like that could even help. Couldn't they see that I really didn't want to be here? I was making it obvious already. All they had to do was call my mom and dad and tell them it wouldn't work for me. Then they should just suggest that I should be back home and let me do the plan I had for summer. Easy.

"Ehem." That voice was so familiar I didn't have to turn to look at him already.

"I'm not lost if that's what you're going to say," I said. I got inside the office, not bothering to knock.

Mr. Donald wasn't as quite surprise as I thought he would be. "Someone sent you here?" he asked.

"Apparently," was all I said.

Gustav entered too and relayed something to Mr. Donald. They were talking in a hushed voice like I would listen to them.

I pretended that I was doing something else. I didn't have any intention to listen to whatever they were talking about anyway. I was sure that it's not that important.

"Seems that you're having trouble getting along with the other campers," Mr. Donald finally broke the silence.

I frowned a little. "I'm not actually sure about that. I mean, I've been hanging out with Yuan—she's my roommate, I mean cabinmate, just fyi. And then there's Keith and Alberta as well. If I'm having trouble with the campers then I would have no one right now," I defended myself.

There's no reaction in Gustav's face. Mr. Donald was looking bored. Some people were just too insecure of me, I thought to myself.

"I think some people just misunderstood my amazingness in being friendly. Like with Gustav, I'm actually having these thoughts that maybe you're threatened by me," I exclaimed, feeling confident with every words I said.

Gustav pointed a finger to himself. "I'm threatened by you? Tsk. Yeah, I think I do. I'm threatened. Ooh, scary," he mocked. He crossed his arms and the next thing he did was just stare back at me.

I had this thing with people staring at someone else. It's annoying and at the same time, kind of scary.

I knew they were just analyzing their thoughts before saying something but the mere fact that they were staring at you and examining you, that's just awfully scary.

"It's rude to stare at people," I said.

He smirked, but still not saying any words at all. That was one way of saying that the analization wasn't over yet.

I stood up now and about to head out of the office when I remembered why I was really there.

"I was told to get something from you before the camp counselor in paint ball can accept me. I don't even know what I did wrong," I said.

"I wouldn't be surprised that every camp counselor would ask for reports from you." Gustav snickered.

I scowled at him but rather not say anything back. I waited for Mr. Donald to hand me something but he was just staring as well.

"Come on. You don't need to stare at me like I was the worst thing on earth. I'm amazing and amazing people are very noticeable, that's why." I had to learn to keep my mouth shut especially when they  were just in front of me. Sometimes words tend to just come out without me knowing a single thing about them. But that's a big personality of me and some people like it.

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