Something's Burning and it ain't London Bridge...Or Chicago (Thank God)

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Ah, another world meeting. This'll be fun, da? 

America was going through his folder quietly, which was strange. He would usually be ranting about how a giant robot would help save the planet from global warming. That or eating something unhealthy. Also his folder was a lot bigger than usual. They all stared at America with worried expressions... okay so they weren't exactly worried. Maybe a bit but mostly creeped out. Russia was well Russia, so I guess you can't expect much from him.

"'Merica what's wrong, da?" Russia asked with a creepy smile. The leader of the world just gave the guy a glance and went back to his papers. "Maybe I can use this moment to bring him down," he casually stated.

Britain blinked. "That's not a half bad idea. So whats you're plan?"

"First we-" Russia was cut off by a ringtone. They all turned to Canada. Said nation blushed from all the attention he was getting. "Well, pick it up da?" Russia said cheerily.

Canada fumbled for his phone and when he saw the name he paled. "Hey Qu-" he was cut off by a screams. Everyone froze when they heard the tell tale sounds of pandemonium coming from Canada's phone.

"Bloody hell Canada! Who on earth is on the other side, a killer!"

Canada turned to America who was looking at him in worried interest. "Uh, America... y-your house. It's a-a-"

"Let me guess it's on fire...again?" Canada could only nod sadly at his brother. "Well I guess it's off we go." America left the conference room quietly with Canada hot on his heels.

"What the bloody hell!? What does he mean his house is on fire again!?" Britain asked nobody in particular.

Germany was worried for the man. First acting funny and now his house was on fire for what wasn't the first time. That didn't sound good. "Maybe we should check it out?" Germany suggested.

Italy being Italy agreed with Germany right away. "That is a great idea Germany!"

Romano then got mad at his brother's hopelessness. "Think for your self for once in your life!" Italy pouted sadly. "But Germany is- a always right." Romano then proceed to slam his head into the table.

"Maybe if we burn all of America we ca bring him down!" Russia said in excitement.

"I don't think that'll work." They all turned to where the small voice came from. Before them stood a little boy with soft white hair. He wore an open white parka and had a baby blue scarf. Under the coat was a deep blue shirt with the little dipper constellation in gold stars in the center. He wore greenish gray jeans and fuzzy black winter boots that almost reached his knees. His eyes were a deep purplish blue, very pretty. "Beside's if you tried to do that I think you'd be a pile of ashes before you could even make a spark. Mass would make sure of it." He gave the most innocent smile.

Now most people would think he was cute, and the nations did. But... "Why does he look like Russia?" China asked.

"Hello little one, would you like to be one with mother Russia?" Russia liked the kid. He had the guts to threaten him, and looked like him.

The kid just stared. Then smiled. "Would you like to become one with father America?" he asked excitedly. The whole room froze. Russia shook his head. The little boy pouted.

"Why don't you want to be one with mother Russia. You even look like mother Russia, da?"

The little boy gave an indignant huff. "There is only one mother I'd ever join and it is Mother -"

The doors slammed open. "There you are runt! We been lookin' ever' where for ya!" The boy yelled angrily. He had sandy brown hair with a cowlick just like America's. On his head was a cowboy hat. He wore a plain button up shirt rolled up to his sleeves with a cowboy vest over it. Plain jeans and cowboy boots. The boy was tall and muscular and had a scary scowl on his face. They could only stare in horror, most of them anyways. But what was strange was that he had Spain's eyes.

"B-but Austin, I was about to get him to join Mother-"

"Cut the crap. I 'ave enough trouble with the animal lover breathin' down my neck!" He mercilessly slung the little boy over his shoulder and left leaving a tense atmosphere. More tense than usual anyways.

"What the bloody hell is going on?!" England screeched.

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