Chapter 3

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I angrily threw my things into the suitcase and walked out of my suite slamming the door in the process. Saying I was anger, was an understatement I was fucking pissed. I stepped into the elevator when it arrived at my room, dropping a young couple off. I looked at the young couple, and I was wishing I had met someone I loved instead of getting married to a brute. The elevator took a couple of minutes to get down to the lobby, I knew my driver would be there waiting to take me back to the airport, but I doubt I would be able to slip past Mathis and Killer, and whoever is waiting down in the lobby. Even with the skills I was taught in the mafia.

When the elevator dinged and opened up to the lobby, I saw the front desk manager and security guards trying to get Mathis and Killer's entourage out of the lobby. I held in my laugh and walked to the manager. "Is there a problem?" I asked professionally with my eyebrows raised.

"Ms. B-Be-Ben-Benson." The front desk manager stuttered out when he saw me, his face going pale white.

Mathis was looking at me with raised eyebrows. "Yes that is me. Now is there a problem?" I asked while my voice grew hard and cold. I had the entourages attention, they were all looking me up and down while smirking at the manager.

"Well?" I asked impatiently, "you know I would love an answer, I got something to attend and I would hate to be late." I lied straight through my teeth.

"Well Ms.Benson, these men are scaring away our guest and we've had several complaints about their vest, we simply asked them to take the vest off or leave." One of the security guards answered for the still frozen front desk manager.

I looked at the three of them then turned towards Mathis, Killer, and their little groups. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front desk manager. "When I ask you a question I want you to answer, got it?" I asked.

The front desk manager nodded and gulped. "Yes, of course Ms.Benson."

I could tell Mathis was getting annoyed at them for calling me by my maiden name and not his last name, but really they didn't know about his last name and knew me and my family, and how we are when we are pissed. I could tell the front desk manager was remembering Marco and the fit he through when one of the bellhop was hitting on me. I don't think that bellhop was able to get another job after Marco or another job in the hospitality business again. To say the my family was scary when something upsets us was another understatement.

"Now I want the three of you to know something very important." I looked at the front desk manager and the two security guards. "These men behind me," pointing to Mathis and the others "are my guest and if you want to keep your jobs, I suggest you go back to whatever the hell it is that you were doing before coming up to them. And if you don't...well I sure you remember the employee that didn't listen to me and what happened to him." My voice going very cold at this point.

The front desk manager nodded his head, his face going even more paler if that was possible, the security guards stiffly nodded their heads while they started to look sick at the thought. Very happy at this point I looked at the manager and said in a nice voice, "Great. Now I would like to see the actual manager of the hotel, I would like to check out of my suite."

"Of course Ms.Benson." The hotel manager said walking at of his office and over to the front desk with me behind him. He proceed to check me out, when he was done he looked at me. "Have a nice day Ms.Benson and I am terrible sorry about the inconvenience. Please relay to your father that we are very sorry to you and your guests that, that happened. We does so love having your family join us, especially I love your family being here. And if this has caused you to be late, I'm very sorry and I could assure you that those employees will be taken care of."

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