~Chapter 43~

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Luca had manoeuvred Adriana away from the step. His mouth moved in unison with hers as he felt one of her hands drop from the firm cling she had around his neck and make its way under his black drenched dress jacket. He felt her curious fingers stroke his chest through his shirt at a gentle slow pace.
He began to mimic her slow pace through his kiss, switching from the fast and frenzied make out session they had suddenly erupted into. He took another step back placing her down onto her feet. His hands travelling up to her face holding her head in a firm grip as he forced her to meet his new pace.
Once he was satisfied he let her go abruptly, he leaned down a fraction, his hands quickly making their way straight under her dress gripping her ass firmly. He lifter her effortlessly, instinctively she wrapped her thighs around his waist drawing them closer as he walked forwards pressing her back into the pool wall.

A cell phone began to ring from the sun deck chairs. Adriana was the first to pull away from Luca's lip lock; her forehead remained pressed up against his as they brought their breathing back to normal. "You should get that," she whispered letting one of her hands fall beneath her dress to remove one of his hands from her ass.
He slowly placed her back down; a little reluctantly they broke away from each other. Luca was the first to make his way back towards the steps, out of the pool and up towards the sun deck chairs. She followed closely behind.

"Shĩt. It was Salvo." He announced studying the missed call nervously. "Jesus, I'm in so much trouble. He's going to kill me," he looked up towards her, "what the heck was that about?" He questioned fiddling with his cell phone wondering if Salvatore would call straight back.

"I'm sorry," Her apology came out as almost a whisper. "I-I- didn't mean it." She grabbed the material at the bottom of her dress wringing out the excess water before turning her attention back to him.

"You know we have to pretend this never happened right? You know it should never have happened?" He ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"Did you feel anything?"

He looked at her raising a curious eyebrow. "I mean, it was nice, but wrong Ade. Extremely fũcking wrong, you get that right?" He continued to nervously play with his hair. "I shouldn't have touched you. You're his girl and I should know better!" He cursed himself angrily.

"Is that what he tells everyone? That I'm his girl?"

"He cares about you Ade. We fũcked up, you're drunk, and I've had way too much to drink."

"I'm sorry." She repeated once again. "I didn't mean to drag you into this. I was just- well I'm angry and I thought if..." She nervously pinched her fingers with her opposite hand fidgeting as she now looked away from him.

"You thought what Adriana?"

"I don't know. I fũcked up ok?"


Giovanna sat comfortably in her fiancés chair. She sipped on her glass of white wine while watching re runs of her favourite reality TV shows at 4am in the morning.
She reached over to the coffee table beside her and began rummaging through the Chinese takeout boxes, sticking her chopsticks into various boxes of noodles, rice and honey chicken. She popped a honey chicken piece into her mouth enjoying the sweet and savoury combination. Something she could not order with Francesco. "Ma che schifo!" (How disgusting!) He would complain, "These Asians with their sweet and savoury. Just like these uncivilised people putting pineapple on pizza."
She could almost hear his voice complaining already. She smiled before expertly picking up another piece and eating it up. She loved honey chicken and used Francesco's absence as an excuse to indulge without him.

Another twenty minutes went by before Giovanna heard the rattling sound of keys outside her front door. Her eyes remaining solely on the television screen while sipping away at another glass of her crisp white wine.
The door unlocked, opened and closed before she heard his footsteps coming towards her in the dark of the night. The only light provided by the trashy reality show she was watching.

"Hey baby," Francesco leaned over the couch placing a kiss on her forehead. "You're up late!" He noticed the wine glass in her hand, "and drinking wine..."

"So I am," she responded without a hello. "Where have you been? You haven't slept here much lately." She continued to focus on the television screen waiting for his response.

"Sorry Gi." The use of her nickname from his lips forcing her to cringe. "We've just been busy lately, you know, with business." He walked around his recliner couch to look at her, she was barely acknowledging him. She's pissed. He thought to himself letting out a small frustrated sigh.
He made his way to her left side near the coffee table examining the Chinese takeout boxes. He picked up the one with the noddles along with the plastic fork sitting untouched by the edge of the coffee table. He dug his fork in taking a mouth full of the now cold, thick yellow noodles. "Sitting on my couch I see," he joked trying to push her into talking more.

"Hmm." Giovanna hummed, "your couch huh?" She took the final sip from her wine glass then placed the empty glass on the same coffee table.

"Yeah, my couch," he continued to push trying for a playful rise out of her. With the noodle box in one hand and the plastic fork plunged securely into the yellow noodle goodness, he proceeded to pry through the other two boxes discovering the honey chicken.
"Really? Honey chicken? You know I hate that shĩt Gi."

"That's too bad." Giovanna pushed herself out of the recliner. "Because I hate it when you stick your dick in whõres."

Whoa whoa whoa Giovanna... WHAT!?

Who else thinks Francesco has a teeny bit of explaining to do? Looks like she'll be ordering honey chicken by the bucket loads once Francesco is on the streets...

Aaaaand Adriana & Luca seriously? What's with all the cheating lately? I feel like we're just leading up to quite an explosive ending people.

Who's excited?

So I promised you all a bonus chapter and you can't call me a liar because I have delivered... Have I not?

Yeah it's like the shortest chapter out of the entire novel, but it had to end with that last line because it made me pretty content when I originally wrote it =)

So if you've enjoyed this chapter and others please do vote and comment, that's what wattpad is about after all right? We have the power to say 'hey author great job' just by the power of the star!

Comment & Vote and make me smile x  

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