Highland Chieftain

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AN - Highland Chieftain is up now on my profile. I hope you decide to carry on with the highland series. Enjoy the snippet. Az x


Finding out that your brother is actually your brother in law, and your sister in law is actually your sister...well that would be hard on most people. But others would be there for them through the confusion, friends and family rallying around making sure that all was taken care of and that the roiling emotions were calmed. But instead, nobody had actually informed her of this. No, she had overheard it whilst she had, admittedly, being unashamedly eavesdropping.

But even if it was the case that the entire clan was aware of the issue, and not only that but everything else she kept so close to herself, unable to tell any other soul. Why would they care? They would not help or be there for her, and she knew the answer, had never been told them in so many words, but knew that everyone within the clan thought it. She was the stone cold hearted bitch...and because that was what everyone thought...well then why not actually life up to the name. At least it got her noticed now that everyone was moving on with their lives.

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