A puppy and some awkwardness

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"What's wrong?" She asked me, and approached me slowly.

"It--it's not important. Y-you don't have to worry." I told her, and she backed away one step.

"B-but, you're bleeding..." She pointed out, but I shooed her away. "Oh...ok. See you around." She said and walked toward the door. She was just about to open it when...

"Wait." I said, stopping her in her tracks. "C'mere." She slowly and awkwardly walked toward me, nervously. "What's your name?" I asked, and she looked at me as if I were dumb.

"Mercedes..." She said quietly. I looked at her eyes, and saw that she had no idea what was going on.

"Okay, Mercedes, call 9-1-1." I told her, and started breathing heavily and looked down at my arm, which was dangerously losing blood. "I'm feeling a bit lighthead--"

I blacked out.
I woke up in a hospital room with bandages over my arm. I sighed and looked around the room to see that it was empty. The girl was gone.

I wondered who she was. She'd never been to the gym before, or maybe I never ran into her. Either way, this was the first time I'd seen her. She was so nervous, and shy. The gym wasn't the place for her.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door on the other side of the room opening, and a tall, and very pretty, african-american woman walked into the room.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Sandra McCarthy, and I'll be your counsellor for a little while, Miss...Senia Raymond." She said, and I already felt like I wasn't going to like her. Her eyes showed that she was excited, but her face showed determination and seriousness. I was obviously her first patient.

"Hi." I said to her, and she awkwardly looked down at a clipboard that was sitting on the top of her binder.

A binder? Did it have my 'file' in it or something?

"Yes, it actually has your medical history, any previous diagnoses, and all the small details." Shit, I must have said my thoughts aloud. "So, Miss Raymond, you've obviously been doing some self-harm, is there a specific reason for that?" She asked me, and I shrugged.

"I dunno." I told her, and she gave me an unimpressed look.

"Senia, you need to cooperate." She told me, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fine. I've been doing it since middle-school, okay? I guess it's a masochistic thing." I said to her, telling half of the truth, successfully hiding any clues that hint at my lie.

"Hmm...I was actually on the phone with your old emergency contact--" Shit.

"My mother." I Interrupted, making a disgusted face.

"Yes--and she said that you used to do it because you thought everyone hated you...and because of a loss...." She said, and observed my face. I looked at her hand and saw it grab a pen and start writing something down. "I looked into your medical history--evidently--and saw that your were diagnosed with depression. Are you taking any medication for that?"

"Stopped on my eighteenth birthday." I told her quickly, and looked out the window. "The day I graduated high school. Same exact day my best friend committed suicide six years earlier."


"I'm tired. Let me sleep." I told her, and she tried to object, but I gave her a death stare and shooed her away. I do that a lot, don't I? "This session is over."

I grabbed a remote on the side of my bed and tried to lower my head, when the doctor suddenly walked into the door.

"Okay," Don't say it. "Senia--" Don't you dare fucking say it. "You're cleared to go." Fuck! "Just take it easy, okay?" Screw you.

The Red Haired Girl who Stole My Heart(lesbian story)(completed May 1st 2016)Where stories live. Discover now