Chapter Six

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Leah eased open the plush case, and she couldn't help but grin. The blood-red stones shone darkly up at her, the fire of the diamonds that surrounded each one playing over her face. She gently lifted the collar of stones from the case and fastened it 'round her neck; it was cool against her flesh, and came to rest just at the hollow of her throat. The earrings were next, and then she stepped back and took in the finished product, and she smiled.

It was, in a word, perfect.

"I told you it was perfect," Layla said softly. "You look beautiful."

Leah turned towards her only female friend. "You were right thanks for convincing Cas to take it."

"Well let's go show our boys how sexy we are," laughed Layla opening the bathroom door.

Three sets of black-jacketed shoulders greeted them: one broad, one lean, and one wiry. Their eyes wandered involuntarily downward to check out the view from below, and they were not disappointed.

Dean was fussing, of course. "Man, I hate wearing these things," he groused, tugging at his collar. "And you remember what happened the last time we had to get dressed up like this."

Sam had zero sympathy. "Yeah, I do-I spent the whole evening as cougar bait," he said flatly.

Dean stopped, looked over at his brother with a contemplative air, and then in a distinctly amused voice said, "You're right-I guess the evening wasn't a total loss."

Cas seemed to notice no difference in his wardrobe, simply standing still to the side, as usual. The girls gave them all one last once-over, a small, visceral thrill running through their bellies at the thought of having such fine escorts, before Leah cleared her throat, announcing their presence.

Leah looked up at Sam and Dean's appreciative looks and said with false nervousness, "Okay, guys-tell me honestly."

Leah took Layla's hand and did a slow turn where they stood, showing them the full three-sixty before she went ahead and smiled, and she asked with mock seriousness, "Would you do us?"

A sleazy grin stretched Dean's mouth, and he said roughly, "Oh, hell, yeah."

Leah smirked back at him before looking to Sam, who gave her another obvious once-over and then said, "I think I'm gonna have to go with a yes on that, too."

She beamed, and then turned to Cas. He was watching the proceedings impassively, and it seemed to take him a moment to realize that he was expected to provide an answer-but it was obvious that he didn't even understand that there was a question.

Dean looked torn between amusement and disgust. "I don't think we need to ask him-we all know he would," he said.

Cas's brows knitted. "Would what?"

Sam snorted, and Leah rolled her eyes. "Let me rephrase that for you," she said, putting her hands on her hips with a saucy look. "Cas, would you have sex with Layla and me?"

He looked startled, blinking at her with a wide-eyed expression. He cut his eyes over to the Winchesters, who were watching him with raised eyebrows, and then back to Leah and Layla with no little trepidation. He licked his lips, hesitated, and then uncertainly asked, "Now?"

"No-later," Leah answered briskly over the revolted laughter of the other three. "Well!" she said brightly, turning to them. "I think that means we're pretty much ready. Oh-one thing," she added, crossing the room to where the boys' clothes were spread out over the beds. The rough fabric of the trench coat was easily identifiable, and she snatched it up. "This is a must," she said firmly, draping it over Cas's shoulders and coaxing his arms into the sleeves. "You're not you without it."

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