Swashbuckling on the Edge Sneak Peek

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Finishing touches complete, I stood from my chair and turned to examine the outcome in the mirror. The dress looked splendid—fine, but simple. The corset I could do without. Grunting, I tried in vain to readjust the bodice of the heavy gown. The cut pushed everything up and out, squeezing tightly. If this was the latest fashion, I thought, I was more than happy to continue wearing men's clothes.

Giving up on the dress, I inspected my hair. The maid had done a good job of ordering my unruly dark hair into fanciful curls. The curly mass was twisted up and rested at the crown of my head, allowing a few strays to spiral down and graze aesthetically against my neck.

Catching the gaze of my reflection, I leaned closer for a better look. Gazing into mirror wasn't something I'd had opportunity to do in a long while. Still, it came as a shock to me that my appearance had changed.

My features had matured, certainly, but it was the darkening of my skin and the faint frown lines on my brow that drew my scrutiny. My troubles had been stamped on my face, irreversible. My eyes flickered to study the reflection's eyes. They were the same cloudy sea-green as always, but they were bright and live. I chuckled, noting the laugh creases that appeared as I did. It lifted my spirits somewhat to know that my body bore the marks of my happiness as well as my suffering.

Even so, I had to admit that I looked beautiful. A fitting disguise for the part I had to play. Another frown crossed my face as my mind unerringly wandered to unpleasant thoughts.

A sharp rap on the door interrupted my musings. I turned as it opened, and Dark entered.

His head lifted and looked at one another, taking in the other's appearance. His jaw dropped open. My brows rose in astonishment.

"Seems I've opened the door to the past," he joked, shutting the door behind him. "You look..." His eyes raked over me, appraising. "...like your old self."

I tilted me head to the side. "You look unrecognizable, yourself."

He spread his arms and bowed low, peering up at me through his lashes with a grin. Dressed in breeches, shirt and a handsome dark blue waistcoat, the pirate in him had vanished behind a mask of finery. His hair had been tied back, neatly for once, with a matching blue ribbon. Not a single dark strand was out of place.

Striding towards him, I began to fuss over the straightness of his collar, non-existent wrinkles in his coat. He let me, obligingly standing still. I held my hand under his chin and gently tilted his head from side to side. He'd shaved as well; another surprise. I had grown used to the dark stubble. I stroked my thumb over the newly smooth knife-edge jaw.

He caught my look and his grin broadened. "You look lovely, by the way," he added.

"Thank y—"

The door opened a second time, interrupting us. Kent strolled in, dressed smartly in his officer's uniform. He smiled cheerily at us. If our embrace bothered him, he didn't show it.

"Ah, my lovely bride," he said, scooping up my hand and planting a lingering kiss on my knuckles.

Dark scowled. "I do hope you're taking this seriously," he said to Kent.

Kent's head lifted from my hand, eyes glittering. "Immensely," he said, grinning.

Unconvinced, Dark continued, "If any part of this plan goes wrong..."

Kent hooked my hand in the crook of his elbow with a quick twist. "Rest assured, I know what I'm doing. I'll keep her safe."

From the look on his face, he didn't appreciate the wink Kent gave him.

"And I shall keep you safe," I said to Kent. "Seeing as I am the superior fighter."

Kent laughed. "Indeed. See, Dark? There is absolutely nothing to worry about."

"Just remember our bargain," Dark warned him. "I'm holding you responsible."

Kent's hip brushed mine as he leaned across me, closer than was needed, to meet Dark's gaze. "Worry not," he said cheerfully. He tugged at my arm, urging me to the door. "Let's go, Mrs. Kent!"

Dark looked positively livid. I gave him a reassuring smile and reached out for his hand.

"You know what we have to do," he said to me. I nodded in response. "Find out what he looks like and what his connections are. We need to know how he's connected to Grimm."

I squeezed his hand. "I won't fail," I promised him.

I caught the flicker of concern in his eyes nonetheless, before he masked it with a neutral smile. Kent opened the door and beckoned me to leave first. Pasting a smile on my face as I crossed the threshold, I focused all my thoughts on the role I had to play.

Tonight would be dangerous. And it was only beginning.

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