Chapter Twelve: Threats

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Chapter 12

There were still lots of issues needing solutions. All of them were pretty overwhelming. I was in need of a brain surgery that was yet to be funded, my mother was missing and nowhere to be found, my dad is across the country, and Nate was sure quick to rebound after his episode with the crazy girlfriend.

 I didn't even know what was going to happen. Every time I tried to ask Nate about the money issue and how my dad was doing with it, he would always have the same answer as the day before, "You don't need to worry about it. We're taking care of it." That wasn't exactly the update I was hoping for, but whatever.

 "Whoa, earth to Charlie," Anthony's voice snapped me out of my long daze.

 I looked over at him, now realizing I had been staring in to space for the last five minutes. I laughed, now fully aware of it. Anthony was organizing his baseball cards, which was something he did a lot more than necessary. It seemed like they were never perfect, therefore he was switching the cards around in the plastic slots, new orders every day. I began to think Anthony had a small case of obsession compulsion disorder. 

One thing was for sure, and that was I couldn't get last night's events out of my mind either. After we returned from the park and the baseball game, Nate had an unexpected visitor. It actually turned out to be a good form of entertainment for the night. 

"Nate!" Whitney exclaimed from the hospital entrance. She had just barely arrived at the same time we had all returned from the park. She was standing at the entrance, looking as beautiful as ever. She wore a tight black dress that hugged her curves. She had long flowing dark hair that looked straight out of a shampoo commercial. What Nate saw in me the night before after he already had this girl, I would never figure out.

 Although we were clearly all in hearing distance, that didn't seem to stop Whitney. 

"Nate, I really miss you," she began, her skin glowing under the moonlight, "I just couldn't stop thinking about what I said and how much I take it back. I'm so sorry about what happened, I really am." .

 Nate shook his head, and stepped around her, trying to go inside. She easily blocked him, not letting him get past her without an answer.

He sighed, "No, Whitney. You can’t just apologize every time and expect me to go back to you. Sorry only works for so long,"

He looked back at the three of us. The situation had already started to feel slightly uncomfortable. Whitney ignored him though, "Nate, I am though! I am sorry! Why aren't you listening to me?" 

Nate gestured towards the three of us, "Whitney, this is hardly the time or place to talk about this." 

"I couldn't wait! I just want us to be back together, okay? Can't you just agree?" 

Nate actually surprised me with his answer, "No. Have a nice night." 

 His words must have stung her. She looked hurt like she had been slapped across the face. The hurt quickly changed to something different though as her forehead began to crease and her face turned a shade redder than usual. 

 She was furious. 

She stormed away, all maturity leaving the sophisticated image I had of her. Her heels clicked against the pavement parking lot, and her words echoed as she grew farther away. "Goodbye, Nate."

 Nate was a little taken back from the whole episode. Personally, I thought it was kind of funny.Anthony did too, as he stifled back muted giggles.

"You'll regret this!" She called, as she was already halfway back to her car, her loud words hanging in the air. 

 The rest of the walk up to our hospital room was pure silence, Nate obviously choosing to ignore her last comment. Nate didn't speak a word, and nobody else dared to either. Quite frankly, no one knew really what to say after that. The whole thing was nothing short of awkward. 

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