X Reader ((and terms))

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I have met a few people who say "what exactly is X Reader?".

X Reader is where the reader (You) are the main character in the story. It is not a choose your own adventure, rather, a fill in the blank and get so many feels because(insert character here) has fallen in love with you!!

X Readers may be written two different ways (mainly):

1. Using second person point of view. As seen in choose your own adventure, this one is as common and number two.

Ex.  You slip on your shoes and run out the door, brushing your (h/c) hair behind your ear. Today was the day! Your friend (friend name) was finally transferring back to (school name)! You did a happy skip as your (e/c) eyes scanned for her in the small crowd waiting to get on the bus.

Okay, the amount of inserts was a bit excessive, but you get the main idea.

2. The second way to do it is from a first person point of view, still with reader inserts.
Here is the same thing as above in FPOV.

Ex. I slipped on my shoes and ran out the door, brushing my (h/c) hair behind my ear. Today was the day! My friend (friend name) was finally transferring back to my school! I did a happy skip as my (e/c) eyes scanned the small crowd waiting to get on the bus for my friend.

Again, a bit excessive with the inserts, but again, just giving you a feel for it.

I have seen people not know how to do either and will have a specific character, but say you will change an unlike description back to yours.

Note: In any and all X Readers you will have feelings and actions put in for you. You may act or say something differently, but you are to enjoy the story. If you want it specific, write it yourself!! ;)

Now for the (mostly) complete list of X Reader Abbreviations!!

Note: Some people do spell out the words, but most people use abbreviations. If an abbreviation you found was not on here, drop a comment and I'll add it!

Basic physical:

(E/c) eye color.
(H/c) hair color.
(S/c) skin color.
(S/t) skin tone.
(H/l) hair length.
(U/o) usual outfit.

Basic Food:

(F/f) favorite food.
(F/d or f/hd) favorite drink/ favorite hot drink.
(F/c) favorite candy.
(F/p) favorite pizza.
(F/s) favorite soup.

In the context it is pretty easy to figure out what it means, you just have to figure it out a bit.

Basic Family:

(M/n) Mom's name.
(D/n or F/N) Dad's name or father's name.
(B/n) brother name.
(S/n) sister name.

And so on. Usually you are not required these type of inserts considering the fact they usually make parents and siblings for you, like in "Sentiment-> a Sherlock X Reader" you were Molly's sister and so her mom was your mom and so on.

That's all for now my Warriors! More coming sooooooooon!!!!

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