The Judgement

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The Author Pauses His Pen

To those of you here, to whom it may be unclear, I'll explain to you now, the what when why who how, of this story into which you peer. The young boy Timmy and his companions the turnip,the apothecary the corpse and the cat. Are all on a journey in order that, they may retrieve Timmy's Daddy from war. But with petty details I will not bore. In summary the story now lies, where the Apocathery most cunning, who they picked up in the City of Planning, has betrayed Timmy and his team, stolen the corpse. Leaving Timmy to steam, in the hot desert sun. Now please smile, try to have fun, as you read this dark tale that I have spun.

Chapter 7

The Judgement

 The last flames flickered and faded upon the desert floor, as the sun rose over the bodies of those who lived no more. Timmy's eyes flickered open, his body felt sore. Beside him was the cat, patting him with its paw.

 "Ah, you're alive? And thank god we're still raw." Cackled the turnip, looking at the burnt bodies strewn around the desert.

 The young boy Timmy blinked then the memories returned, as he remembers he feels his stomach churn. He was betrayed by the Apothecary, who pushed him off his cloud, took his corpse brother Jimmy, this cannot be allowed. Timmy got up slowly, wincing as he did, "The Apothecary and I, yesternight we sent, many a men to be, mere ashes in an urn. But he has betrayed me. So now it's his turn, to personally learn, how it feels to roast and burn." shouted Timmy. "Come we haven't the time to sit idly by!" So saying he set off, turnip in hand, at a determined pace, stepping over the bodies of the charred and smoking as he did so.

The cat followed a few paces back, sniffing at the corpses and turning its head in feline disgust. The trio made their way across the baking desert land. They didn't stop once, driven on by determination and hunger for revenge. They walked on for hours on end through the unchanging landscape like a lost sailing boat, becalmed upon the sea. As they walked they felt their energy slipping away, Timmy began to stagger and sway, The Turnip became shrivelled, its green leaves frayed. The cat began to walk in tired zig-zags. And though the burning fire of rage still dwelt inside Timmy, as he walked all he began to crave was water.

 They walked on as the sun rose in a graceful ark. They staggered on when the sun glared above them, making an enraged cycolops of the sky. They dragged their feet one before the other, tripping and almost falling, as the sun began to set, painting the sky a dry crimson. Finally when the setting sun bathed the desert in red, transforming it into a solid sea of blood, Timmy and his merry band finally spotted an end to the desert. A patch of green which grew bigger as they approached, finally revealing itsself to be  a forest.

  As they approached the end of the desert, tired and hungry but above all thirsty. With a rumble of thunder, rain began to fall. In the distance they could see lightening flash and strike but they did not much care, they opened their mouths to catch the water. A few minutes they spent in blissfully enjoyment of the most basic of provisions, feeling strength gradually return to their dried out bodies. But their bliss was broken by the turnip's panicked shout, "Its nightfall! We're in a forest! Climb up a tree tall!"

 The cat coming to his senses hissed and began, to urge Timmy to climb. "What is this? Why are you urging me? To climb up a tree?" asked Timmy confused by the fear in his two companions.

"The Night Faeries!" they shouted, "They rise in forests and roam the lands. Hunting for prey in deadly bands. Many have died at their hands! They will rise from the ground. Their victim surround. And judge whether he should live or die. They measure every unkind thought, every lie. Into your life's dark secrets pry. They will your entire life judge and try, They never give a positive verdict, they'll kill you according to their evil edict. They never show a drop of mercy no matter how you may beg or cry. So hurry now and hide up high, for otherwise death is nigh!"

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