16.Shut Up

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As the Avengers -and Vex- made their way further into the ship, they could hear the sound of someone talking.

There was a cry of pain and everyone went on high-alert, ready to attack as they moved in. Vex caught a glimpse of Ultron and held in her gasp. He looked different than he did the night of the party. She didn't know how it happened but she had to admit she was fascinated.

"I am nothing like Stark," Ultron spat angrily. "Stark is-he's a sickness."

"Aww Junior, you're gonna break your old man's heart," Tony joked, making his presence known.

Ultron shrugged as if he didn't care; which wouldn't be surprising. "If I have to," he stated simply.

He began to walk forward with the twins following behind him. They looked like lost puppies and Vex couldn't help but chuckle at their situation.

"We do not have to break anything," Thor said, trying to keep the peace between everyone.

"Clearly you've never made an omelet," Ultron quipped sarcastically.

Tony smacked his lips. "He beat me by one second," he frowned. Vex stifled a laugh and Steve sent her a look, causing Vex to send him back a glare.

"Ah, this is funny Mr. Stark," the male twin, Pietro, said. He chuckled dryly as he moved forward slightly. "It's what? Comfortable? Like old times."

"This was-"

"Your voice is very annoying," Vex muttered, narrowing her eyes at the silver-haired boy.

"Ah, Vex," Ultron grinned, as if that was possible. "You are a very secretive person. I can't seem to find anything on your past, how is that possible? How can you hide all of that?"

"So people like you won't go digging into it," Vex snapped, purple magic seeping out of her hands.

"You two can still walk away from this," Steve stated, changing the subject.

"Oh, we are," Wanda smirked. Vex rolled her eyes, a large wave of ignorance practically rolling off of the brunette.

"You can still walk away from this," Ultron said, his attention focused on Vex. Everyone else soon followed, their eyes boring into the girl. "You have no idea how powerful you are, and to think, I thought Wanda was more powerful than you."

That seemed to strike a cord in Wanda. Being in Strucker's base probably led the twins to think that they were extremely powerful and special.

"Vex wouldn't want to join you," Steve hissed, narrowing his eyes into slits. His gaze traveled back over to the twins. "Look, I know you've suffered-"

Ultron made a noise of disgust, causing Steve to reluctantly stop talking. "Captain America; God's righteous man. Believing that he can live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth but-"

"Can you shut up?" Vex growled, her eyes glowing a light purple color.

Thor placed a hand on Vex's shoulder. "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it," he said, his voice loud.

"I think you're confusing peace with quiet," Ultron replied.

"Uh huh, what's the vibranium for?" Tony asked, not believing him at all.

"I'm glad you asked that because now I'm going to take the time to explain my evil plan-" Ultron quipped sarcastically, holding out a hand and letting a blast shoot out.

The Avengers were thrown back from the force. Vex put a protective shield around herself and Steve, keeping them safe from the blast.

Some of Ultron's bots came out of nowhere and Steve quickly got up to his feet. "Clint and Natasha, you two take out the twins. Thor and Tony, you deal with Ultron."

He turned his attention to Vex, who was waiting rather impatiently. "You take one of the-"

Before he could finish, Vex had used her powers to destroy both of the robots. Steve looked at her in shock and she shrugged in reply, running off to find one of the twins.

Sensing someone coming her way, Vex shot a blast in that direction and heard a groan. She turned to see Pietro glaring at her and she smiled.

"What are you going to do, run around me until I get dizzy?" Vex questioned sarcastically, her grin growing when she saw him start to breath heavily.

He came at her but she was quicker -if that was even possible- and knocked him over the railing. Pietro fell down a few levels and let out a hiss of pain. Wanda looked over at her brother warily and he waved her off.

"Do not worry about me, finish the plan," he managed to get out.

Wanda nodded reluctantly and ran off, avoiding the Avengers. Vex turned around and saw Ultron hovering in front of her.

"You still have the chance to join me," Ultron said, his voice loud, "though I don't think you and the twins would get along."

"I'm not as ignorant as the twins," Vex snapped. "I would never be apart of such a thing!"

"Have it your way," Ultron shrugged, sending a blast in her direction.

Vex used her magic to send his blast right back and Ultron flew backwards a long distance. He fled, leaving the twins alone to fend for themselves.

"Beware, the woman is trying to put us under some spell," Thor stated, "luckily I am mighty."

Vex rolled her eyes, Thor's voice sounding drowsy. Looking up, she could see Wanda using her magic to put everyone under some spell of some sort. She growled under her breath and stealthily followed behind her.

Wanda made her way over to Clint, her hair pulled into a ponytail. Before Clint could attack, Vex had used her magic to put Wanda in one of her visions.

The Maximoff girl felt the effects immediately -unlike her own gift that took a while- and began to scream bloody murder as her eyes changed to a mixture of scarlet and lavender.

Vex grabbed Clint and moved him and herself out of the way before Pietro could knock them over. He grabbed his sister and ran off, making Vex let out a breath of relief.

"Are you alright?" Clint asked, looking her up and down as they both stood up.

"Not a scratch on me," Vex grinned. She pressed her earpiece to her ear. "Where is everyone else?"

"No one's answering, is mine broke?" Clint asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No Wanda got to them," Vex stated, looking over at the rest of the Avengers. The sound of the Hulk's roar made Clint and Vex go on high alert and she sighed.

"Please tell me someone isn't under that bitch's spell," Vex groaned, pressing her earpiece repeatedly.

"I'm good," Tony stated. "I'm gonna go pull out the Hulkbuster."

"We'll handle everyone else, thanks Tony," Vex mumbled, running a hand through her hair.

"No problem Hot Stuff!"

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