Chapter 24

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Chapter 24_The Hospital




Chase’s P.O.V





Three days. …..

Three days……….

Three days. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve slept, eaten, showered. Three days I haven’t left her side, since I haven’t talked to anybody only my mate. And mum was sure as hell angry as f*ck.

“No son of mine is going to look like that here Trent brought some clothes, you can shower over there. I’ll watch her and no excuses you smell and I’m sure Jordan will like to wake up to a CLEAN, WELL FED mate.” Mum scolded. Sighing I dejectedly took the clothes and went into the shower. I mean who was I not to listen to my mother, like she said ‘I didn’t go through thirty-four hours of labor for nothing now go do as you’re told.’

Walking out I saw a nurse checking Jordan’s vitals. “Anything?” I asked hopefully. She nodded, “Not yet but you’ll be the first to know.”  I nodded dismissing her, she quickly dispersed from the room.

Taking a seat back next to Jordan mum walked back in, “Here eat this.” She ordered in a motherly tone. “Yes mother.” I mumbled and complied too her demands. Mum ended up staying until well into the evening keeping my company. Dad ended up visiting for a while then he and mum ended up leaving around eight.

I couldn’t stop looking at her hoping she would move or wake up or something. I was starting to drift when I felt something move, I ignored it thinking it was me hallucinating and something twitched again. Going on alert I jumped up to see Jordan’s hand move yet again and her eyes fluttered a little.

“Jordan, baby come on wake up I want to see your eyes, please.” I begged. Her eyes fluttered again and opened, but she shut it back due to the brightness of the room. I quickly dimmed the light and went back to her, “Jordan, how do you feel? You gave me a heart attack back there don’t ever do that to me again.” I scolded mildly tears streaming down my face. She looked confused, “Chase, where am I what happened?” tears started to stream even more Jordan reached out her hand and wiped my tears away. I must’ve looked so weird I never cry, ever.

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