Chapter Eighteen: Hello Kitty

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A/N: Hey-o 

So I managed to pump this chapter out...sorry for the long wait. My life is in turmoil right now, so I'm gonna warn everyone now, I do not know when I'm going to be able to update anything for another few months. I may have a sporadic update here or there but I will mostly be  unable to do any of it until i get this mofo of a degree finished. I am in the home stretch! FINALLY!!!! so my proper updates may not happen again until...maybe December...ish

Hopefully by then, I have enough breathing space to look at my other poor works that i still have yet to continue...or start... ( ̄(エ) ̄)

ahem, anyway thank you for all the support! and I do hope that i can continue to amuse you with my works 


Chapter Eighteen: Hello Kitty

The bowl stuff sat in front of me as I stare at it without being able to work up my salivating reflex. To be honest, it isn't really appealing, especially with that big grumpy guy glaring at me through the window to my 'cell'.

If looks could kill...

I switch my gaze back to the slop in front of me. Crazy lady said that I had to finish it before I could even considering see Mr Tiger ever again. So she's playing the 'blackmail game'. I glare at the spoon beside the bowl, going to pick it up with my left hand, a little awkward as I'm right-handed. But I don't want to even look at that right appendage at the moment. I was allowed to dress (finally) after much grumbling about only having a sheet to cover myself. That crazy doctor finally gave in after laughing so hard at my dismay. So I was given a shirt, hoodie and some track pants that I assumed originally belonged to the boy called Rain. He didn't seem to like me much either.

I look up to make sure the grumpy old man was still trying to gain the ability to incinerate me with a look. And sure enough I met his dark eyes...when was the last time he blinked? Does he even have eyelids?

I see his jaw twitch a little and take it as a cue to stop looking. I look around the room instead. It was removed anything warm or of substance, expect for that table thing (Doc called it a Station) and the most cold seat and desk that I am currently sitting at right now. And it was all devoid of colour. Just white. I was forced in here a few days ago. The other room I woke up in was still that weird ice thing. I don't really know what was happening and when I ask the crazy blonde doctor she just shrugs at me and says that it was me. How...?

I shake myself of the thought. I didn't get anywhere trying to think about it for the past few days. Why would I now? No...the only thing I can do is eat this...whatever it is- and see if the tiger is still in one piece after crazy blonde lady has been alone with him since I've been knocked out.

It's been trying, to say the least. Every single bone and muscle hurts when I move. Just thinking about picking up the spoon makes my muscles twinge in pain. Sucking it up, I move the spoon into the thick...creamy...? Substance and awkwardly raise the spoon to my tasted strange. Like fake pumpkin and powder-it was awful. I drop the spoon back down, while trying to swallow. I pull a face staring at the bowl, how is she expecting me to finish this?

"Heya, Big Guy!"

I jump as the door opens and blonde doctor was suddenly there. She walks up smoothly to the table, "How's it going? Eating?"

"It's awful," I mutter.

She chuckles, "Yep, it's not really made for taste. Rather it's easy on the stomach and high in nutrients that you seriously need. You've lost a tonne and a half of blood and bruised from head to toe. I'd give you a streak burger with extra-large fries and onion rings but we are low on real food I'm afraid." Then she added as an afterthought, "That and your body wouldn't be able to handle anything intense until we get you hydrated again. Small steps. I can see in your overall health check that you do not eat regularly anyway, so even if you weren't thrown around like a rag-doll in that battlefield, you would still be in the position you're in now. Minus the rainbow colours your body has taken."

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