Chapter 7: What I found out

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"So wait...your telling me your a vampire, like a sucking the blood type vampire" I said.

He nodded his head.

"...How long?"

"Forever I guess, I was born with it" he said.

I sat down agaisnt the tree...just shocked.

"Im sorry...that I didnt tell you in the beginning" he said.

"...Oh yeah sure, I make that mistake all the time"

He sat down next to me.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked.

I looked into his golden eyes, that seem to change colors...alot and said "I know you wont hurt me"

He stood up and said "How do you know? I mean how can you tell that I will be able to control myself around you, or anyone in the neighborhood or even at school" he said.

I was quiet for a minute then I asked "If your afraid you'll hurt someone, why go to school then?"

"Im not afraid, to be honest I dont care who I hurt, expecially if they deserve it" he said

"...I know you dont mean that"

"Even so, I just want to act normal and let people think And see me as normal...but I cant, many people always suspect something is wrong with me or something" he said

"Why is that?"

"Man you really dont know anything...Vampires cant show there selfs in daylight, if they do people will know they are vampire because our skin will sparkle...the sign of a killer" he said.

I didnt say anything at all...I'm still shocked.

"Thats why I wont be in school monday or tuesday, it will be good weather that day" he said.

It must be hard for someone like him...but I had a question about something.

"..What exactly happened to your parents?"

He looked at me and said "Its complicated"

"Im all ears"

He sat back next to me.

"...Before my dad met my mom, actually before he was even born, his father was a vampire, the strongest vampire ever. There were times where ne helped people and need. He had a thing for humans, a tyoe of love that noone understood. One day he decided to come to the human world or earth...of course he knew the consequences of doing that" he said.

"What consequence?"

"Back then, you werent aloud to come to the human world" he said


"I dont really. I asked my dad that, anc he said that it could have been because they feared if humans found out about the supernaturals they would try tl ruin and destroy us. There was a death penalty for whoever did so. When he went, back then there was a ruler...he hunted my grandfather down to kill him. He had a friend lf his help him cover his tracks so he wouldnt be found. About two months later he met someone, a human..and instantly fell in grandmother. They both loved eachother and got married. A month after marriage she was pregnant with me dad. My grandfather didnt know what would happen if a vampire and a human had a baby together. At first he thought she didnt know he was a vampire. But she knew, she seen his body sparkle one day...but she wasnt scared, she still loved him" He finished.

"Thats good...right?"

"Unfortunently no it wasnt. When my dad turned ten, his vampire form and vampire thirst for blood was finally complete, but his father was found by the people whose been hunting him for a long time. They killed his father and mother, and cursed my father...whoever my dad was to marry in the future, and if he was to have a child, his child was to die at age ten" he said.

"Why age ten?"

"Because thats when every supernatural child's power is complete" he said.

I nodded my nead and said "ooh, but isnt that child.."

"Yeah its me" he said.

"But your not-" he cut me off

"Yeah I know....remember I said my parents werent coming back...well their both dead. My mom was a wizard so she used every power she had in her bod to take the curse out of me the day before my birthday...she did it, but she died. My dad killed himself out of I was left all alone" he said.

"Im so sorry" There was nothing else I could say to that, I mean what was there to say.

"Its okay, I didnt live by myself...I had my teacher...since my mom was a wizard I'm vampire and wizard as well" he said

"Oh, I guess that good"

It was quiet and I began to stare into the night sky.

"The stars are shining bright tonight" I thought.

I looked at him and he was stareing at the sky too.

"Why did that painter guy appear today?" I wanted and needed to know

"To be honest I dont know. Rumor has it that he is after a very powerful power someone has. Noone knows who has it thought" he said

"Oh is that so...So are there other's out there, besides vampires?"

"Yeah. There are mages, werewolves, faires, goblins, trolls, even witches...any supernatural you can think of is pretty much real...To tell you the truth, those fairytale books people read here, was written by my grandmother" he said.


"Yeah, well she didnt really write them, but she gave the ideas to people flr them to write it. She felt since she is the only one who knows there real, she can get kids and people to read about them...but of course think its fake" he said.

"Thats cool...So will the he be back...the evil painter?"

"Who know...probably" He said.

"Have you had to battle him before?"

"Yeah me and my friends back where I'm from" He said.

"You know what made you come to earth in the first place?"

He got quiet then said "Thats something I cant tell you" he said.

"Wait why not-" he cut me off.

"It's getting late, I should take you home" he said.

" you dont have to, Im sure your tired"

"Vampire dont sleep" he said.

"not at all?"

"Nope, we never sleep...we dont even get tired" he said.

Thats fasicinating.

He turned around bent down and told me to hop on his back.

"You better hold on tight" he said as he took off faster then maybe a cheetah.

He had jumped on top of buildings...hopped from building to building, of course im scared of heights.

When I arrived home, he brought me to my window, which was on the second floor.

When I got off and climb in the window I asked him, "So what wil, you d all night?"

"Oh just watch the stars" he said as he was about to leave, but I stopped him "Wait...why did you tell me the truth?"

"Well lets just say, your not normal", he said as he jumped down and took off running.

"Not normal" I thought.

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