List of Eye Colors

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Amber: Golden.

Black: Anthracite (like coal).

Black: Coal - Described as soft and muted.

Black: Ebony - A soft absorbent hue not shiny yet beautiful.

Black: Jet - Described as being luxurious, bold and shiny.

Black: Midnight Black - Wouldn't recommend using this one not much of a description behind it.

Black: Obsidian - Obsidian is hard, black, and shiny. Not very appealing to the eye.

Black: Pitch black - Described as a dark sticky substance, technically its tar. In order for it not be one, add more descriptive words about the eye color.

Black: Sloe - Sloe is dark, plum colored, soft and slanted.

Black: Smoky - Described as soft and muted. Connotations include fire and passion.

Black: Soot - Described as ashes, dirty and unappealing.

Black: Velvety - Described as soft and muted.

Blue: Aquamarine - Described as clear, piercing, and striking.

Blue: Baby blue - Described as faded.

Blue: China - Described as pale and clear. Aristocratic connotation.

Blue: Cornflower - Described as cool and muted. Unsophisticated or innocent connotations.

Blue: Crystal - Described as pale blue and luminous.

Blue: Denim - Described as pale and faded. Unsophisticated connotation.

Blue: Electric - Described as being bright, over-toned, energetic and striking.

Blue: Forget-me-not - Described as pale blue. Gentle or old-fashioned prettiness are connotations

Blue: Gun-Metal - Described as being cold, hard, shining. Dangerous or ruthless connotation.

Blue: Ice - Is extremely pale, colder, not delicate like crystal. Contains cold light.

Blue: Indigo - Is extremely dark and absorb light.

Blue: Sapphire - Are deep, luminous, shining, and beautiful. Rich and precious blue connotation.

Blue: Sky - Described as being clear and not very bright.

Brown: Amber - Described as being luminous, clear, warm and golden. Connotation is wolf-like.

Brown: Chestnut - Described as warm with orange tones.

Brown: Chocolate - True brown eyes. Connotation to decadence.

Brown: Dirt/Mud - Described as having strength, steadfastness, attention and prosperity.

Brown: Tawny - Described as light brown, yellow or gold blended with the brown.

Brown: Topaz - Described as being pale, clear, shining gold, reflects light, luminous, and beautiful.

Grey: Charcoal - Is a dark gray almost black and can be pale.

Grey: Cloud - Described as soft, muted, and luminous. Connotations include dreaminess, melancholy, and moodiness.

Grey: Graphite - Pale grey eyes contain a medium tone of grey.

Grey: Gun Metal - Grey with a hint of blue.

Grey: Silver - Bright, shining eyes that reflect the light.

Grey: Slate - Has connotations of coolness and stone.

Green: Bottle Green - Refers to deep, vivid green, and luminous.

Green: Cat's Eye - A pale vivid green color, luminous and pale yellow.

Green: Chartreuse - A vivid light green and contains yellow irises.

Green: Emerald - A very dark green, sometimes luminous.

Green: Forest - A muted soft green, absorbs light.

Green: Jade - Has a soapy luminosity, dark green with black flecks. Prosperity, resistance, force and a sense of heroism.

Green: Sea - Is clear and luminous.

Hazel: Described as pale, golden brown, contains a lot of yellow, and beautiful.

Violet: Amethyst - A very pale and clear color.

Violet: Hyacinth - A clear, deep and vivid purple. Described as luminous and beautiful.

Violet: Ultramarine - A dark violet color, closer to blue than violet.

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