Chapter 10 - last chapter

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Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: "A believer must not hate a believing woman (i.e., his wife); if he dislikes one of her traits he will be pleased with another." - Muslim


The surgery was a success, although it left her with a minor stroke throughout her right body due to the blockage of blood vessel. By far Rabiatul was still able to speak and see clearly. However as advice from the doctor, Rabiatul was treated using injections of a medication called alteplase that dissolves blood clots and restores the flow of blood to the brain. It was fortunate that the blood clot was not big. The day after the injection, Rabiatul was able to move her right side of her body. But she was still weak and needed more rest.

Since family and friends were informed of Rabiatul's situation, people started coming in and out of the hospital. They expressed their great sympathy and prayed for Rabiatul's fast recovery. Zayd was thankful that both their parents were able to assist them by bringing home-cooked food and taking care of Raouf.

A week later, the doctor gave Rabiatul the all-clear from all screening tests. The blood clot had dissolved and there were no complications.

Three months later

"You must find me ugly right? I have no hair here," Rabiatul sighed as she gazed at herself in the mirror as she pointed to the left side of her head where the surgery had left a scar. Rabiatul had been thinking of getting a hair transplant to fix it up, but Zayd was saying it defeat the purpose since she will be wearing the hijab.

"No you're not. You are so beautiful," Zayd replied as he came up to her and hugged her from the back.

Rabiatul pouted as she turned and return the hug, "Thank you for taking care of me during the last few months. I know I was a giving you a hard time. I was so hard on you. You have to take care of Raouf and me. You have to cook and clean the house. Thank you for being patient with me."

Zayd gave her the brightest smile and shook his head, "It's you that I have to thank. After we had Raouf and you became a housewife, you sacrificed your time to take care of us. You cooked and cleaned and taught Raouf. And then I made the biggest mistake by letting someone else came between our marriage. Yet you stay strong by my side. I have such a strong and patient wife. So three months doesn't make me as equivalent as you."

Rabiatul pursed her lips for a moment then she said, "No we should thank Allah for giving us these tests. He knows best. For now, let's go and take wudhu. It's nearing Zuhur."

Zayd nodded in agreement as he kissed his wife and went on to take his wudhu'. At the end of his solat, he raised his hands up high and prayed,


Alhamdu lillahi rabbil 'alamin. Allahumma solliwasallim 'ala saiyidina Muhammadiw wa'ala a-lihi wasah-bihi ajma 'in.

Allahumma inna nas-alukal'afwa wal-'afiah, wal-mu'afatad-da-imah, fiddi-ni waddun-ya wal-a-khirah.

Allahumma ah-sin, 'aqibatana fil-umuri kulliha, wa-ajirna min khizyid dun-ya wa'azabil a-khirah.

Rabbana a-tina fiddun-ya hasanataw-wafil a-khirati hasanataw-waqina 'azaban nar.

Wasollallahu 'ala saiyidina Muhammadiw-wa'ala a-lihi wasahbihi-wasallam.


(In the name of Allah the Beneficent , the Merciful.

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the universe. Ya Allah, grant blessings and peace be upon our prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.

Ya Allah, we seek forgiveness and health and prosperity from you, in religion, in this world and the hereafter.

Ya Allah , grant us good outcomes of all things , and preserve our world of humiliation and punishment in the hereafter.

O Lord, grant us good in this world and the Hereafter, and refrain us from the torment of hell. Ya Allah , bestow blessings and peace to our beloved Muhammad , his family and his companions.


Zayd glanced up to Rabiatul who held up her hand to salam. Rabiatul stood up after Zayd kissed her forehead and smiled at them. "I have a surprise."

Raouf's eyes lit up while Zayd frowned in wonder. "What is it Ummi? Are you going to cook something delicious?"

Rabiatul laughed at Raouf's big appetite and shook her head. "You and your food!"

Raouf chuckled and took off his songkok. "Then what is it Ummi?"

"I'm pregnant!"


A/N: Alhamdulillah I have finally finish this book. Thank you for your time and patience. Really appreciate it.

I'm sorry for such a short ending, but I hope you like it.

Do comment or vote. And look out for my other books too!!

JazakAllah khair.

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