Chapter 2

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"No thank you and have a good night." She says winking at me and I look at her confused until I understand. My face flushes red and I shake my head.

"I'm just not even gonna touch on that." I say walking off towards a nearby cafe. "I'll be back in a bit." I wave over my shoulder and walk into the café. I go into the bathroom and change back into the lavender tank top and black ripped jeans. I place the purple dancer's outfit into my duffle bag and walk out of the café to find the crew still standing there. I can tell the guys are confused as to why there were waiting but Law just stood there waiting for me.

"Ah Bepo-ya let's go now." Law says when I walk over to them.

"Bepo? I don't see Bepo anywhere captain." Penguin says looking around in confusion.

"We'll talk about this on the ship." Law says and we start walking towards the sub. The crew look confused but they know Law so they start heading back to the ship. Law and I follow behind the crew.

"So what Devil Fruit have you eaten?" Law asks after a bit.

"Zoan type Bear-Bear Fruit Model Polar Bear." I say looking down and off to the side since I'm still a bit sensitive about it.

"That explains a couple of things. Were you also the one who made the delicious meals back then?" Law asks.

"Yeah Haruki couldn't cook worth a damn so I made out meals." I say looking over at him.

"You should start making our meals then. Yours was the most delicious cooking I've ever had in my life." Law says and I feel my cheeks heat up a bit. Truth is over time I developed a little crush on Law; well it's not little try gigantic.

"I'll think about it." I say before we climb onto the sub and I see the crew looking at us now that we were on deck.

"Captain what she's doing here?" Sachi asks and I look down at the ground depressed now.

"I'm sorry;" I mumble and Law pats my head.

"Bepo stop saying sorry and stuff." Law says and silence fills the area.

"Bepo? Bepo's a polar bear not a girl." Sachi says.

"Bepo if you'll please;" Law says and I look over at him in surprise before changing forms. I hear gasps fill the air and I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"BEPO'S ACTUALLY A GIRL?!" I hear everyone yell and I just nod as I look down at the deck again.

"I didn't expect that." Penguin says.

"I'm sorry;" I say again but I feel someone place their hand on my shoulder.

"Bepo stop saying sorry; there's nothing to be sorry about." Sachi says as I look at him and he gives me a smile. I can't help but return the smile and I see everyone smiling back at me. I look up at Law who still had his hand on my head and he gives me a small smile as well.

"I should probably go shower unless you want the ship to smell like a stinky bear." I say and I enter the sub.

Time Skip to the Next Day

I whistled softly as I walked through the lively streets and I have a huge smile on my face. Last night I talked to the crew and they all said the same thing. You're one of our nakama so don't worry about it and no matter who you really are you're a part of this crew.

"You're extremely happy today." Law says and I give him a smile as we walk through the streets. The rest of the crew was behind us talking like usual while Sachi and Penguin started drooling over every pretty woman they see. We end up back in the town center and I survey the area to see it's the exact same as yesterday except there's more dancers. I freeze when I spot Shana since she's talking to someone I never hoped to see again. Shana's talking to a tall man in a butler outfit who had slightly greying brown hair and he suddenly looks up. When he sees me a smile makes its way onto his face but I just glare back at him. The man raises a hand and suddenly a swarm of men in suits surround us.

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