Chapter Five

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          Thank you all for being so patient while I have been away and working on Masquerade, along with my little break that I am still currently on. But, this book has gone too long without an update, and that drives me crazy. So, here you go my loves! Now with Masquerade finished, I can enjoy my break and then be back on a normal schedule when I return... which will be in the next few weeks. I will be back -hopefully- around the week of thanksgiving. And I can already say that this break as done wonders for me and my train of thought for this book. I can't wait for all you loves to find out what happens.



Enjoy my loves!!!

        I woke the next morning feeling cold and lifeless. My body was bear of clothing, and even though I could feel heat radiating off a body pressed against mine, it did nothing to warm the chill in my bones. Allowing my eyes to open, I felt the protest as it seemed my lids did not want to become... unstuck. The tears had seemed to sew them together, not wanting them to separate from the fresh seal. It almost was like wax on a piece of paper, holding a letter together. However, I seemed to manage to allow my eyes to flutter open and look around me. My wrists were heavy, along with my ankles, and I instantly bit the inside of my cheek to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. He had cuffed me... had stripped me once again of my pride and spirit.

      Kratos laid beside me, slumbering softly. Anger bubbled in me, and without another thought, I rolled off the bed and grabbed the dagger that was beside me. Jumping on top of him, I pinned the large arms beside his head, causing him to wake with a start once the cool metal of the blade was pressed against the soft flesh of his neck. Crystal eyes looked at me, a smile on his lips. The anger deepened, seeming to practically consume me. This, all of these feelings, they were against my teachings. I could feel -yes- but I was not meant to show such things. Especially to an enemy. And this so called 'King' was so much more than my enemy, he was the reason that I would not rest until his life was ended. And it would be with my hands, or the blade in my hand.

      I looked down at him, pressing the blade in further, cutting the skin slightly, allowing a drop of dark red blood roll down onto the sheets of the bedding. Smirking, I watched it mix with the silver of the blade, a beautiful contrast. A contrast that I had not been given the pleasure of seeing for many, many moons and tides now. And to think, it had all started because of a Mistress who thought money to be more important than a family. Foolish woman, and foolish King. They were all fools, believing that I would bow down to them, think of them as my equal when they themselves had proven their own hearts unworthy of caring and tender affection.

      "Speak a single word, and I will cut your throat. And don't believe that I won't enjoy the sight of you bleeding to death under my fingers," I growled out, my voice completely empty of emotion. It felt as if I was back in my teachings with Maketis, him pinned below me as the other younglings in the tribe watched. We were not allowed to show emotion in our faces, but especially the eyes. They were a weakness, and if enough emotion was shown in combat or toward someone who was not Eenack, we would be blinded. Perhaps it would have been easier to show some emotion back then, then I would not be affected by his iridescent gaze. If I was someone else, it would almost be like a spell cast on me. But, those were foolish thoughts for foolish people, and foolish kings.

      He chuckled at me, completely calm under my touch, not even flinching when I dug the blade in further.

      "Do you find this humor, your Majesty?" I asked, letting the wonderful sight of blood start to consume. Maketis had always spoken of my fascination with dangerous acts, how I always seemed to be awed by the mere sight of a drop of fresh, red blood. I was one of the few warriors who did not flinch during the first killings in our Teachings. Death was something that was mandatory, something that would eventually catch us all. I did not fear it, I welcomed it with open arms. Especially after being taken away from my Maketis.

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