67. Don't you dEAR!

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It did not take long before Hunt could come out of the hospital. When she was going out of the bed, her legs failed. I caught her and I fell backwards, hitting my head when I tried to hold her up. It was not that bad, I just got a little angry, because she was so impatient that, she could not wait for someone else to help.

"Okay, come on." I tell her and step towards her. Hunt sits in the wheelchair in our hotel room. She looks at me with a grin. My eyes fall on the door as I hear a knock.

"Yeah?" I answer and dad comes into view.

"Everything okay?" He asks, and I nod.

"Good, mum and I are going out for dinner and we wondered if you two wanted to come?" I look down at Hunt, who is smiling, but still her eyes tell me she is tired, after all the stumbling and I am exhausted of all the pushing and dragging. The hit on the floor gave me a headache that still lingers.

"No, I think we are good?" I ask Hunt, and she nods.

"Okay, see you later then. There is food in the mini fridge." We both nod and he walks out the door. I take Hunt's hands in mine and bend down to kiss her on the forehead.

"You ready?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"What?" I ask chuckling.

"My legs are jelly, Sky. I am not paralyzed." Now I roll my eyes.

"Come on." I tell and drag her up and move her hand over my shoulder, then hold my arm around her waist. She takes the first steps slow but steady. Her next step is more shaky and then she falls. I turn us so she falls down on my stomach. The air in my lungs almost got knocked out.

"Sorry." She says guilty. I take a deep breath of annoyance and rub my forehead. The stupid headache is killing me now. Hunt grabs my shirt on my shoulders and drag herself further up to me.

"You okay?" She wonders and kiss my cheek. I shake my head and sigh.

"Next time I am going to carry you, I do not understand why you can't let me." I say a little irritated.

"How am I supposed to get up on my legs again, if you are going to carry me around?" She chuckles.

"Well, I am going to break something if you are going to fall on me all the time."

"Your head still hurts, doesn't it?" She says and cups the top of my head, staring to stroke my forehead with her thumbs. I close my eyes of her soft touch, and feel the pain lighten a little.

"Don't you fall asleep from me now." She whispers, I nod slightly. After a few minutes, the pain has almost faded.

"Sky?" She kisses me on the forehead. I move my hands under Hunt's sweater and onto her warm skin.

"Oh my god!" She yells and roll down on the floor. I burst out in laughter.

"Your hands are as cold as the snow." She grumbles.

"I know." I tell and stand up, looking down at Hunter, who is still lying on the floor. I bend down, and pick her up in my arms, she is so light. Hunt looks at me a little annoyed.

"I can walk."

"Not with me, you just knock me down." She rolls her eyes and looks irritated. I lean in and kiss her cheek.

"I love you." I tell her, she just shakes her head, continuing being grumpy.

"Of course you are. You are wearing my blue sweater." She mocks. I move my legs to the big bed and lay her down. She rolls further into the bed and I move down next to her. This bed is much softer and bigger than the one in the hospital.

I turn to look at Hunt, who is already staring at me. She always does. Hunt rolls, and lean her head on my shoulder, then lay her arm over my stomach. I kiss her on the temple right over the wound she got from the accident. I do not think it is ever going to fade, just like the scars on her stomach and back. I take the duvet and lay it over us. She kisses me on the jaw line.

"Sorry that I ruined your Christmas." Hunt's whispers.

"No you didn't, I got pizza." She laughs.

"And when we come home, we are going to celebrate it together." She looks up at me with a smile, but the look in her eyes tells me she is a little confused as well.

"We are?"

"Yes, we are." I smile and kiss her temple again. She turns and lay herself upon me, then she looks at me with a sly smile.

"Is it too late to tell you that I have to go to the bathroom?" My eyes widen and I clench my teeth.

"Are you kidding?" I growl. It makes her shrink and bury her face in my chest.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles against me so apologetic, that it makes me feel guilty.

"Hunt, honey." She looks up at me a little unsure and scared. I give her a warm smile and brush the hair away from her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry."

"I know. You are tired and I am not making it any better." She looks behind her.

"I can probably crawl or some..." I push her off me and get out of the bed.

"Come." I say and pick her up in my arms again.

"You need to eat more." I tease her. She wraps her arms around my neck and kiss my cheek. I start walking and she bury her face in my neck, and then kiss me repeatedly. I chuckle as I walk out our bedroom door. Then I feel her lips on my earlobe.

"Don't you dEAR!" I yell as she bites.

"Goddammit Hunter!" She nibble and I tilt my head as I walk into the bathroom.

"Stop." I chuckle. She moves back and kiss my cheek.

"I missed you." She mumble on my skin.

"I missed you too, even you're biting."

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