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Tim watched in confusion as the three adults left the hotel room. He watched through the window as they started out into the night.

He had woken up when Jason had left his room because the door had shut a little too loudly.

The child had heard them talking about a woman named Abigail Laims. He had never heard of the woman and soon curiosity overtook the him and he climbed out of his bed that was by the window.

He changed quickly into some jeans, a t-shirt, and a blue sweater with Mickey Mouse printed on it.

The island was warm during the day, but got chilly at night.

He grabbed a pass key that was on counter since they had taken the spare, and he left the hotel.

It didn't take him long to find the three. He had always been good at finding people. He couldn't deny that the way they were dressed was kind of weird. He remembered Jason wearing the same clothes when he and Tim had met in the alleyway, besides the helmet. But, he had never seen Roy and Kory dressed so strangely.

He followed behind them making sure not to be noticed. He didn't know why it felt natural for him to be able to blend into the shadows. He managed to stay out of sight and followed the three all the way to a large home.

He was to far away from the three to hear them talking, but soon they started going towards the house. Tim looked at them confused because Jason had a gun and Roy had his bow. He had seen the weapons before, but he didn't know why they had them with them at the time.

The boy waited a few minutes before following them. He hid behind some bushes that were in the backyard and watched. The mansion was a glass house and he could clearly see the three entering the home.

Tim's eyes moved to the second story.

There was a man sitting at his computer and a woman who was sitting on the bed. She had a book and was talking to the man as his eyes scanned the computer.

Tim tilted his head as the three made their way to the second story of the house. He pushed a few branches of the bush out of the way to get a better view and watched as the three stood in front of the door of the bedroom.

Suddenly Jason kicked down the door and the three stormed the room. Tim's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as they pointed their weapons at the couple.

The woman stood from the bed and put her hands up, the man did the same standing from the chair.

Tim could tell Jason was telling the man to do something because the man quickly turned around and started pressing a bunch of buttons on the computer. Then the man turned back around, pulling a disk from the computer with him. Slowly he handed it to Jason and Tim felt his heart leap at what happened next...

Jason fired a bullet hitting the man between the eyes. The man fell to the ground instantly and Tim's breath hitched when he saw the woman grab a gun from the bedside table.

Kory quickly shot something green, that Tim didn't recognize. It hit the woman in the chest and she fell to the ground.

Tim gripped the grass under his hands and his eyes watered.

Scary. That was the only way the child could describe it. Jason had been...scary...and in Tim's eyes that was strange.

His young mind couldn't comprehend what Jason had just done. Tim knew what guns did. He had seen movies. He knew guns killed people and hurt them. That you were only supposed to use them when you knew how to so that you don't hurt anyone.

The Curious Case of Tim DrakeWhere stories live. Discover now