Chapter 2

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Voices. Floating around in the atmosphere and surrounding me like a tornado. Many I don't recognize, and... a few that I do. And one voice sticks out, piercing me like a dagger made of... ice?
I pry my eyes open for one second, and I nearly jump out of my skin. It's him! Really HIM! I jolt upwards, and tears spring to my eyes. A high-pitched whine escapes my lips as I crumple back on the bed, supported by a red-haired nurse.
"Will she be okay?" Zane asks in an urgent undertone. "We can't be sure," an unfamiliar voice says. "She's just stabilizing, connecting with the girl's body. We don't know if she's compatible-"
"PIXAL will be fine," Zane cut in shortly (sounding more as if he were convincing himself). "I meant the girl. She's not too shocked about our world? Does she know?"
Come on! He has to know! I have to say- I don't know, SOMETHING! I urge my eyes to open once more. I turn my head just slightly, and my breath is taken away. Glimmering, ice-blue eyes peek out from his beautiful titanium face, framed by blonde hair in a perfect widow's peak. He catches my eye and gives me a shy, sympathetic smile, which makes me almost faint again. But no, I can't do that.
"Zane?" My voice comes out as an unsure rasp. He looks over, startled away from his conversation with the surgeon. He dashes to my bedside and kneels next to my face.
"You know who I am?" he says in a gentle, yet incredulous voice. "Of course!" Finding I can speak without great pain, I gain some confidence. "Where I come from, you're my hero!"
He grins, and I blush, smiling back. But suddenly, concern twists his breathtaking metal face. "How is- um, how is PIXAL? Is she online yet?"
Horror grips me again as my hand goes to my face. Bandages cover most of it, but there is a space here and there. I feel over to my right side... and cold metal greets my touch. My worst nightmare and my best dream are both coming true, I realize.
Zane looks so worried! My heart melts. "I'm sorry... It's just too much right now..."
He smiles, still worried, but understanding. I decide to give him some information; he deserves it.
"I don't hear anything from... her right now... I'm sure she's... Fine..." My voice trails off as pain grips my head.
Shocked and excited voices fill the room. "It's working! It's working!" squeals the surgeon, rather unprofessionally.
The red-haired nurse smiles nervously. "You may want to close your eyes for a bit... It might be a little bit of a shock."
Scared into obedience, I close my eyes, just as a voice begins to speak inside my head.
Hello? Is anyone there? I'm... Scared.

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