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Never had a Bond movie been this exhilarating; Sem was so into the action-packed fights, and the brilliant plot twists, that he'd hardly moved a muscle for the full duration of it. Connor's hands were still casually positioned on his abdomen, like they had been one and a half hours ago. He had to be just as into it. Yeah, most gripping movie ever. 


The only thing Sem could say for sure was that the main character's name was James Bond. And that he'd never make fun of anyone again for overthinking stuff about the person they liked... Well, okay, that was a lie, he so would, but maybe ever so slightly less.

Come on, he and Connor had more than established they were into each other. He'd been flirting shamelessly, without any trace of uncertainty or shyness. Now, why the hell did he suddenly feel like it was the night of their first kiss all over again? With nervous butterflies and doubts and Connor leaving him in the dark, stubbornly refusing to give any hints on what he was thinking.

Connor had also seemed fully unaware of Sem's heart trying its damn hardest to leap out of of his chest when Bond inevitable seduced the girl, and gasps and kissing sounds were coming from the television. He didn't notice how Sem scrutinised every small twitch and movement of his body, desperately trying to gauge his reaction.

...But there was no way he didn't know. Connor must have realised that this was an empty apartment, and the possible implications along with it. Yet, the credits were rolling, and Connor was still perfectly content watching the screen. 

Had he mentioned they were alone in the apartment already?

Sem tensed for a split second when Connor suddenly did move. His hand reached for the remote, and he muted the television. The list of names kept gliding across the screen in silence, and Connor's hand went back to resting on his stomach. 

"What did you think of the movie?" 

What he thought of the movie? He had no idea. "Yeah, great movie. Loved it. You?"  

Connor cleared his throat. Nervousness? "Yeah, great movie," he agreed. "You want something to drink?"  

"Guess I'm kind of thirsty." Not for a drink, though. 

Sem's brain always provided him the most terrible innuendos, and flirting was a second nature to him. He knew exactly what to do and say to test the waters. It'd be so easy to just turn, give Connor the eye, kiss him. He'd immediately sense the vibe and know what was going on. 

And what if it was going on? Sem had found himself glancing down at Connor's hands during the movie. The thought of those rough, strong hands all over his body gave him goosebumps, but he'd be heading straight, or rather not so straight, for 100% unchartered territory. And there was only one way to conquer said territory, idiot. He should kick himself for letting all these nerves crawling under his skin get the better of him. He was not shy, damn it. Sem Bolton did not do shy, he certainly did not do unsure. He wasn't Daniel. 

"I'll get you some soda." Sem felt Connor gently push him to get up from the couch, but he didn't budge. Instead, he strained his head back as far as he could, trying to look at Connor upside-down.

"Mm no. Don't get up yet, I'm really comfortable."

Connor's chuckle vibrated against his back. "Okay." 

"I don't think I want to move anymore at all." Sem closed his eyes, literally feeling his face heat up. Rather than crawling, the nerves were now clawing at his insides. 

"Can't I just stay over?" 


For a moment, just a moment, Sem's mind went perfectly blank, but it didn't last long as the meaning of those words shot through his brain. Okay was a yes. He'd said yes.

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