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new chapter people!!!! enjoy.



Zander was just heading out to go look for Cara when she burst through the door. He was surprised when she just collapsed into his hands looking sickly pale and drenched from the rain. He quickly carried her into his room where he proceeded to remove her wet clothes, dried her and finally dressed her in one of his shirts. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked in his clothes and how that would be a sight he would like to this to be a sight he saw every day. He quickly shook his head and decided to go change and head to bed.

He woke up to sounds of someone being sick in the bathroom, it took a few seconds to fully register who it was and when it finally clicked that it was his wife he jumped out of bed and went to check on her. He knelt beside her and held her hair out of the way. He quickly pulled his hand back because of the heat radiating from her skin. She had a fever. He grabbed a glass and gave her some to swirl her mouth.

"Hey, let's get you back to bed," he said as he helped her up. She snatched her hand as if he had burnt her.

"Don't touch me," she said weakly as she tried to walk back to the room but collapsed before taking another step. He quickly caught her before she could fall and carried her to the bedroom as she continued protesting weakly. He put her on the bed and as she went to get up he firmly pushed her back on the bed.

"Just stay there, okay. I'm sorry for making false judgment, but that is not really important right now. What is urgent right now is getting you back to tiptop shape because you caught a cold last night from the rain." Zander said as he stood to go and get something to help reduce her temperature.

He walked to the kitchen and noticed that Rosa was preparing some breakfast. He took a bowel with some water and headed to the bedroom after instructing Rosa to make Cara some soup. He collected some hand towels from the bathroom and got back to Cara who seemed to either have passed out or fallen back asleep. He quickly got to work after noticing that her temperature seemed higher than earlier.

He quickly called Juan and told him to go to the mainland and get the doctor. She woke up sometime later and he gave her some Advil because she complained that her head was killing her. She woke up a few hours later and started saying incoherent thing. She was becoming delirious because of how high her fever was. Juan and the doctor had not yet come back. Zander was trying his best not to start panicking. About fifteen minutes later the doctor arrived and Zander tried his best not lose it and let him do his work.

Cara opened her eyes and felt as if her whole body had been placed inside an oven and her head, she did not even want to talk about. She felt herself start saying something but she couldn't seem to gather her thought but she could feel someone placing something cool on her forehead and if she could make a coherent sentence she would be thanking the person a bunch. She smiled and fell asleep or passed out she was not sure which was which.

When she woke up next she felt a whole lot better and her body had returned to what, compared to how she felt before, would be considered to be normal because she no longer felt as if she was inside a microwave or an oven. She opened her eyes and quickly closed them, although she felt a whole lot better the bright light from the room made her eyes hurt.

She slowly opened them again and looked to her right and was startled to notice Zander asleep on the couch in the room and he looked painfully uncomfortable being so tall and trying to fit into the small couch. She tried talking but all she could manage was what could be considered to be a croak. As if that was an alarm Zander jumped up and headed for the bed.

He looked greatly relieved and actually smiled, and not his usual smirk, not at all, a real smile that actually reached his eyes making them brighten even with the dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh thank God!! you are awake," he said but she looked at him questioningly wondering what he was talking about. She opened her mouth to ask how long had she been out for but as before only a croak-like sound came out. Zander seemed to snap out of whatever that was and quickly handed her a glass of water which she drank grateful and quickly that she almost choked.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Slow down" Zander said looking worried, this was sort of freaked Cara out, because in the few weeks she had known him she had never seen any sort of emotion on Zander's face apart from the constant cold smirks he would give her.

"Ummm.. Zander? How long have I been out?" she asked still looking very freaked out.

"Three days.." Zander said slowly watching for her reaction. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

"WHAT?!" she screamed forgetting about the delicate condition of her throat and she had a serious coughing fit.

"Yeah, you have not been necessarily unconscious just that your fever was so high that you were delirious and couldn't make any coherence statements. The doctor came by and gave you a shot to help but he said there is nothing more he could do for you but just wait for the fever to break while trying everything possible to keep your temperature in check. Thankfully your fever broke last night." Zander said with a reassuring smile, looking relieved that everything was getting much better.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Cara asked Zander still feeling quite spooked by his show of emotions and finally unable to keep quiet. Zander looked taken aback by this and the he let out a sigh before looking back at her and smiled weakly at her.

Zander was quite taken aback by her question but he also knew that she deserved an honest answer after what he had done to her for the past few weeks he had known her. After she had told him that she was a virgin on their first night together and then run out he had felt like the biggest asshole that existed. He had quickly put down his glass and was about to run after her when Rosa had stopped him.

"Let her calm down first and then when she comes back you can settle things with her. She is a sweet girl Zander, I can tell even though I have not known her for long," she said this before walking back to the kitchen to clean the broken glass before someone got hurt.

Zander walked to the sitting room and trying to think of what she had told him. It started raining and he noticed that Cara had not yet come back so he decided to go get changed and go find her. Just as he was walking out the door is when she ran into him and collapsed.

In the three days she had been out of it he had come to really think of what he had done and what he wanted to happen in the future.

"Well Cara for starters I want to apologize for the way I have treated you, I know that it is not easy for you to forgive me for that but I will work on gaining your trust. I have learnt from a very young age to be on the defensive, to always beware and suspicious of people's actions and I know that this isn't a valid reason but I have had feelings towards you, that are very new to me, they have made me go into full defensive mode and do all that in a bid to push you away and I'm sorry for being rude to you and I hope one of this days you will forgive me. I want us to start afresh." Zander said looking out of the window because as he was talking he had stood up from the edge of the bed.

He turned and looked at her and found her staring at him with tears running down her face. He rushed to the bed worried that he had said something to hurt her feelings again but she just smiled at him and pulled him into a hug.

"It will take time for me to learn to trust you because I won't lie and say that it's alright because we both know it's not but we can try." She smiled at him and he unconsciously leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips before quickly pulling back and starting to apologize but she just smiled at him and hugged him.

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