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When I got home Tyler was tired so I put him down for his nap. I looked around the house and knew I needed to unpack but what happened in the diner just kept replaying in my mind over and over again.

"Oh yeah Jessie and I are engaged ."

To say that didn't hurt would be a complete lie.

Married. The word just seemed so distant to me now. Soon that's what my sister will be, Married. To a man I once loved and still hold some form of love for. I mean how couldn't I, Tyler is just like him.

Oh God, Tyler. The way Jessie looked at him today, the way he most likely knows Tyler is his. I'm not ready for this yet. Granted I knew this day would come in just didn't know how soon.

OK, time to stop wallowing in self pity and get these boxes unpacked.

I spent the rest of the day unpacking and arranging everything. By 6 I was completely done. I looked around my new home happy with the finished product.

I went upstairs to wake Tyler."Mommy I still tired". Tyler said rubbing his eyes.I know baby but if you sleep anymore you won't be able to sleep tonight and you need dinner and a bath."ok mommy." That's my big boy.

I made Mac and cheese for dinner. Something Tyler loved and would have to do until we went grocery shopping.

By around 8 I had Tyler fed, bathed and in front of the TV watching little Einsteins.

There was a knock on the door which was odd becuase I wasn't expecting anyone."Tyler stay right here ok, mommy has to get the door". OK he said not even giving me a side glance.

The person knocked again." I'm coming". When I opened the door I saw a face that made me run 10 different types of emotions all at once.

" Jessie what are you doing here " he had his hands in his pockets looking as if someone just kicked his puppy.

"I came to talk to you"

" why, I have nothing to say to you and how did you even find out where I live, are you stalking me now". I looked at him with so much build up anger.

"What no of course not I just wanted to talk to you."

"What could you possibly want to talk to me about I have nothing to say to you that I didn't already say when we divorced".

He looked at me angry this time."Really nothing to say to me, how about the fact that we have a child together that I never knew about how about. Mmh how about that".

Dammit." I don't know what you're talking about". OK so I know that was the wrong choice of words but it was late I was tired and I just needed him to leave.

"Are you kidding me right now how can he not be my son he looks just like me down to the last detail".

I sighed. "Look I can't do this right now it's late and you need to go home".

"So I can wait another 3 years, no screw that we need to talk now, I'm not leaving here until I get some answers".

I don't know what came over me but all I saw was red. "Answers? you want answers, fine let me tell you something, you cheated on me with my sister, you completely broke my heart and I divorced you and guess what happened after that, when I left I found out I was pregnant with your kid and you know what the first thing I wanted to do was, get an abortion. But when I heard tylers heartbeat I couldn't go through with it so yeah I never told you I never wanted to see you again but that doesn't mean I never thought about it. I just wasn't ready and to come back here just to find out that you're engaged but not only that,with my sister, the same person you cheated on me with". He tried to say something but I cut him off. I was gonna tell him all the things I wanted to say but never could.
" do you know how it feels to look at tyler every single day and see your face. The same face that broke me to the point where i can barley trust men anymore. Sometimes I can't even stand to look at him because I think of you. And that's not fair to Tyler, but you know what. I am so, so fucking sorry I didn't tell you about him. but what does it matter now huh, your life turned out great right. So guess what he's not your son he's my son. Is that the answer you were looking for".

"Nat.." I didn't even let him finish, I just slammed the door in his face and locked it.

I walked back into the living room."Mommy why you crying". I touch my cheek and felt the wetness. I didn't even know I was crying. That just made me break down more. Tyler came over to me and hugged me." It's OK mommy". Thank you sweetie, you alwasy make mommy feel better,I love you very much. Tyler mad a big smile."I love you too".

For the rest of the night I was cuddled with my baby.I didn't even care for tomorrow,only this moment matter.

Hope you liked it.

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