Chapter 3

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I woke up early the next morning. There was no need to hit the snooze button, since my brain was my alarm clock this morning. Getting through class was my focus, to get to basketball tryouts. First things first, I had to shower. I grabbed my soap and towel and ran to the shower. I had to get there before Jen. Every morning was like a battle to get to the bathroom, but I was up earlier today, so she was more than likely still sleep. The shower was a relaxing place and it relieved stress. Sometimes I would be in there for up to an hour. The steam was great and it made me sweat out all of the toxins that I put into my body the previous day; toxins like junk food and other crap. I kept the shower short today: forty-five minutes. When I opened the bathroom door, I got a whiff of steak and eggs cooking in the kitchen. I laid out my clothes for the day, put underclothes and a bathrobe on, and then rushed downstairs.

"Someone is up early," Mom said standing over the stove finished up the eggs. "A shower under an hour today?" She joked.

"I feel good about today, I'm eager to get it started."

"That's the attitude to have Hun." As she walked by, she pinched my cheek like I was a baby.

"Mom," I said in a whiny voice, "I'm twenty."

She turned around and gave me a look with a plate of food in her hand. She placed the plate on the table where Jen usually sits at.

"So you don't want this plate I made for you. I'll just give it to your sister."

"Whoa I didn't say all of that." I quickly replied. She smiled as she slid the plate over to my seat. The food tasted great. Mom always knew what was on my mind for breakfast and how much food I wanted; I guess it was mothers' intuition. Jen slowly walked into the kitchen like a zombie.

"Mom if there's a war do I have to go to school?" Jen asked as she pulled a seat to the table.

"What?" Mom responded quickly with a confused face, "Well if the president declares it a state of emergency...then it's hard to argue with that."

"Look." Jen handed mom this morning's newspaper.

"Now what?" I asked.

"Well it looks like your buddy President Williams attacked Japan."

"No way!" I shouted, "Let me see."

"It's all over the place: television, the newspapers." Jen said pointing at the newspaper.

"Well so far everything is going as planned for the day guys." Mom said. I finally got hold of the newspaper. Everything Jen said was true. We somehow stumbled into Japans waters while mining water crystals in a submarine. Japan gave a verbal warning then later a warning shot that was ignored prompting Japan to fire at the sub. Our submarine struck back quickly with a shot of its own, but it did not stop there. Not only did they fire at the boat that initially fired at them, they shot missiles at the Japanese city of Yosower, killing hundreds and wounding thousands.

"This is pretty critical." I said aloud. I was actually interested in what World Wide News had to say about this. I usually watched sports high lights in the morning but I will absolutely skip that this morning.

"Um, bonehead can I have the newspaper back? My picture is supposed to be in the paper." Jen said. I slid it back to her and continued thinking about the attacks.

"Ewe why?" I chuckled. She gave me a dirty look then put the newspaper up covering her face. I finished my breakfast then left the kitchen.

I hurried upstairs and got dressed, brushed my teeth and grabbed my bag. I ran back down stairs to the living room and joined my mom and Jen. They had the News on and were silent, hanging on to every word the President said. Honorable President Williams was at a podium talking about how the U.S. was not scared of anyone, and we are waiting on Japans next move.

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