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One Year Later

"Are you ready for this?" Sky asked Melody before they got out of the car.

It had been a year since everything had happened. It had been a crazy year, one full of turmoil and questions.

Melody had a small funeral for the child she'd lost, and she'd sprinkled the ashes into the Gulf a week after she was discharged from the hospital.  She had to take the rest of the year off from school. She just wasn't in a good place, emotionally, and running the risk of seeing David would make things so much worse.

Her mother had officially disowned her, stating that she knew that Melody would always cause trouble. Chris's mother had condemned Melody too; she thought it was her fault that her son was in jail. Melody knew she was right on that one, she would never forgive herself for it.

Joshua had pled guilty to two counts of felony assault, harassment, and two counts of assault with intent to inflict deadly injury. Those charges got him forty years in prison alone. They hadn't even began his drug and human trafficking trial yet. He would likely be in prison for the rest of his life.

Chris was sentenced to 60 days in jail and eight months probation for a misdemeanor. His charges were downgraded from assault with intent to kill after the judge ruled that he was acting in self defense. He only had two weeks left of his sentence, and then he would be joining the Army.

Michael and Lola were expecting, finally. Lola had come home a few weeks after the baby's funeral, and was pregnant not too long afterward. She was having a little girl, and Michael was thrilled.

Michael was already at the spot as Melody and Sky walked toward him. The streetlight where Melody had been assaulted a year ago was now a makeshift memorial for the three of them. It was a spot where Melody visited at least once a week, and now it was time for her to say goodbye to it. She'd promised her therapist she'd stop going to the spot. It was crucial to her recovery from the PTSD, the therapist had said.

Melody felt the tears falling from her eyes, but she didn't even bother to brush them away as  she knelt on the ground and brushed her fingertips across the grass. Sky shuddered, still remembering the sight of blood splattered all over the grass that Melody was now touching.

"I would have named him Michael, or her Leila," Melody said. "They were going to have my eyes, and hair, and my mom's love for music, and my dad's love for cooking. Boy or girl, they were going to be beautiful. Absolutely beautiful."

Sky touched Melody's shoulder affectionately.

"I wish like hell I never came here that night. I should have just stayed home," Melody said, crying softly. "If I had, he or she would be with me now."

"It's not your fault, Mels," Michael said, hoarsely.

Melody coughed, her tears causing a lump in her throat.

"I know that, but my irrational side can't understand that," she said, as she stood and took a deep breath.

"That's why I'm doing as my therapist said," she said. "And I'm ready to go back to school. I still think I could be a good counselor myself."

Sky grinned, hugging Melody. This was the best news she'd heard in months.

"You're going to be a great counselor. I am so proud of you, Mels," she said.

Michael smiled.

"Me, too, Mellie. Come here," he said, hugging Melody tightly.

Sky sighed in relief. She had news of her own, and now she was glad that Melody was okay enough to finally reveal it.

"I have some news, too," she said. "I've decided to join the Red Cross Global unit."

"Why?" Melody asked, intrigued. She wasn't upset at all, just merely surprised.

Sky shrugged.

"Well, when that tornado came through a few months ago," she explained. "I remember us helping everyone, and I just want to do that all the time. Plus I'd get to travel the world. I'm nearing thirty, I think it's time I did this before I settle down for good."

Michael and Melody hugged Sky tightly.

"I'm so proud of you both," Michael said. "I really am. You two are like my little sisters, and I know things have been rough, but you've come so far."

Melody smiled as she grabbed each of their hands, feeling more at peace than she had in a long time.

"Whatever happens," she said. "Just know that I'm glad I have the two of you. My mother may have disowned me, but who cares? As far as I'm concerned, you're my true family."

"Your mother will come around," Michael said as they walked back to the parking lot. "She's just angry. Moms could never disown their kids completely, not if they really love them."

Melody just shrugged, and reveled in the peaceful feeling she had at that moment. Things were going to get better from that point on, she had no doubt about it. No matter what would happen, Melody knew that she could handle anything, with her two best friends at her side.

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