America's games

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America invites the others to play baseball that in the end turned into a game of catch with Iggy:)

~Day 9~Afternoon
Whale's P.O.V

My owner Alfred is gonna play my favorite game and it seems Italy and Russia are joining too. Alfred threw he ball and I hit it with my tail towards Italy... "No!" The blonde guy with muscles screams but Italy just hit the ball over the mountain...

"Why was the blonde buff guy so scared?" I asked

America looked confused for a moment then said.
"Oh!, you meant Germany. Well, Italy ain't exactly the strongest."

"Are you sure?" I asked. He can hit the ball after all.


Germany's P.O.V

Where did he get that strength... I guess he has hidden strength. Then it was America's turn he hit the ball right through the mountain... THE F*CK!?

When everyone was staring at America, Russia took the bat from him "Your too dangerous to play this game." He said while walking away with the bat.

America's P.O.V

Russia took my bat *crying face*, England came to me and said "Cheer up lad, maybe you can play another game?"

"Would you play with me?" I asked England

"Uh... Yes?", he doesn't seem too sure of his answer but nevermind that. I dragged him outside we played catch exactly how Canada and I plays...

Which means me shouting at England for being too slow and England getting hit in places you wouldn't wanna know...

Last chapter I'm gonna update for today. Because I have to practise for our family Christmas contest of some sorts... I'm gonna sing, wish me luck. Anyway,

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