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Caroline took a deep breath in as she sat on the bus on the way to Mystic Falls, Virginia.
Stefan looked at Damon in the car they were driving
Tyler bit his lip as he looked out the window of the plane.
The four vampires (or, in Tyler's case vampire-werewolf) were back in Mystic Falls. So much has changed, it couldn't possibly hurt them to come back.

When they arrived, they fell into a messy, uncoordinated group hug.
Calls of,
"Oh, I missed you so much" ranged to "ew, your hands are filthy! This is new, don't touch it!" Both of these statements were mainly uttered by Caroline.
As they continued travelling, Caroline stopped dead in her tracks and uttered a single name. "Elena"

Everyone looked where she was gazing. A brunette girl with pink hair streaks, red lipstick, deep brown eyes, a gold halter top, black mini skirt and leather boots on was on her phone
"Yeah, Katherine, I know. It's crazy, we could be twins. Okay, I have to go. Love you!"
Stefan was gazing at the girl with such admiration, Caroline snarled under her breath before vamp rushing at the girl and shoving her against the wall

"Who the hell are you?" the blonde snapped
"Clara." Clara said with a smirk before snapping Caroline's arm and kicking her to the ground
"Okay, let me rephrase that. What the hell are you?" Caroline groaned in pain, standing up and brushing herself off
"I'm a human. What do you mean, what the hell am I?" Clara asked innocently. Too innocently
"Then how did you break Caroline's wrist?" Damon asked, standing next to Caroline. Clara gazed him up and down before licking her lips
"Damn. If it weren't for your face, you'd be somewhat good looking. Your brother on the other hand...well, I'd like to jump him to put it bluntly"
Caroline growled, "well, too bad for you, he's taken"
"Oh really? By you?" Clara looked Caroline up and down and laughed in her face.
"Because the way I see it, I have no competition"
Before anyone could restrain the blonde, she slapped Clara across the face, causing the brunette to pass out.
"What do you say we get some answers?" The blonde said grimly.


So quick first part :)

As  you can see, Steroline are still going out, but not for long bc I wanna get the forwood/clarafen scenes ready. And yeah, this will be forwood and Klaus will be a bad guy in this but I will try and put some klaroline moments in this.

Datherine will be the other couple in this because dobsley and nian chemistry is perfect.

Lastly, I may put another 2 OC's in this as Klaus and Elijah's partners :)

Hope you guys liked this!

The new doppelgängerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora