Chapter 19

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"Just do it!" I whisper-shouted at Ricky, trying not to let the Dark Moon Pack member that was wandering in search of the castle hear us.

"I don't know if it's right!" Ricky said, struggling to keep his gun trained on the almost confused looking wolf. "He may be innocent!"

"Oh, don't be such a pussy; it might not even kill him!" I scoffed, turning slightly to face him.

The two of us were hiding behind the trunk of a very large tree in the forest that surrounds the castle. Unfortunately and against many protests, Adrian and I had been separated where all fighters had met up to fend off the troops Blaze had sent to retrieve his mother.

Nobody was exactly happy about me fighting but I guess they had figured that I'd be fine if I was with Ricky. Little did they know that Ricky currently had the balls of a ant and couldn't kill anything to save his own damn life.

They also didn't give me a damn gun. They didn't think I could handle it since I've had no experience with guns and that I could accidently hurt myself or someone who didn't need to be hurt. I snuck one out of the cabinet that was supposed to be locked down but had the same code as the cells did anyways.

I've had plenty of experience with hand-to-hand combat, wolf-to-wolf combat, and combat with a knife. What's the big difference?

"If you don't do it, I will gladly do it for you and don't you think for one second that I am kidding because-"

"W-Who's there?" a scared and nervous man's voice rang out.

"See what you did now?" Ricky said, allowing his voice to be projected at its normal volume.

"I'm not the one who's too chicken shit to shoot an enemy pack member. I mean seriously Ricky, aren't you from an Alpha bloodline?" I shot back, cocking my hip and turning to fully face him.

"That doesn't mean I don't have a heart! Look at the guy, Lana! He's practically shaking out of his shorts with fear," Ricky exclaimed, gesturing to the man that I had forgotten about for a moment in the midst of the argument.

He must have had time to shift back into his human form and pull on a pair of basketball shorts while we were bickering behind the stupid tree. Yet, he hadn't added a shirt, causing me to turn away before I could get a good look at his face.

"Seriously?" Ricky said in a bored and sarcastic tone, referring to my refusal to look at the boy any longer.

"Adrian wouldn't like it and I wouldn't like it if he went around looking at topless chicks!" I defended.

Realizing that the guy who probably should have been attacking us by then was probably confused out of his mind, we decided to stop the conversing there. To my contempt, Ricky pulled an extra shirt he had grabbed in case he ripped his shifting and threw it to the opposing pack member.

After the guy was fully clothed, I took the chance to look at his face to see if I could identify him from somebody I knew when I was in the Dark Moon Pack.

Of course, I would know that shit from anywhere.

The little bastard was one of the guys that would always pick on me about my 'having no family' when I was younger. Nathan fucking Pam. School and pack life sucked for me because of them and nobody caught them and if they did, they didn't do shit about it. So much for being so 'special' that I had to be taken from my home and to the damn Dark Moon Pack. They made my life hell and this now grown man was the ringleader of it all.

"Shoot him," I said, glaring fiercely at him.

I almost felt bad, watching his eyes turn into saucers and his hands begin to shake. But then I remembered all of the worse things they had done to me. Welcome to my world, asshole.

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