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Kaytee McKarrington

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Note: Hey! Kaytee had the least amount of questions (sad face) so I was able to get those done fully. I hope you're down for it.

Quick note about the interview questions and answers: I typed questions out exactly as I saw them, misspells/typos and all. I thought that if I edited any of them, I'd be opening the option of me having doctored them in some way. These are your raw, inhibited questions! If some replies are short or not necessarily an answer, it's because the given character is any of the following:

1. Not aware of the information yet.

2. Mot allowed to reveal the answer for the next book's sake.

3. Totally teasing you.

If you asked more than one question, the character will give more than one answer, and those will be separated in different paragraphs. This was to insure we don't have massive blocks of replies.

Also, sometimes I give input to explain their answer or give my own thoughts. Because you definitely came here to listen to me. Not.

Here we go, Kaytee McKarrington's interview with YOUU:

@ImAwesomeNotPerfect: When will you and Calsifer get married?

Kaytee: Good question there.

Race, peeking through the door: Great question, there.

@Jazzmatazz17: Would you ever elope with Race and leave the FAMOUX altogether?

Kaytee: I'm not sure I could run away from the Famoux. What we do affects more than just us. I would hate to leave if my fans needed me.

@jaystabler: Honey. When will you and Race run off together or when will you guys have your big broken fight?

Kaytee: *looks at author with narrowed eyes* Did you tell them we're going to get in a fight? Are we going to get in a fight?

@Kenya1207: Do you wish to be out of the Famoux family?

Kaytee: Never!

@entelechy_: Least amount of questions asked to Kaytee so far... I feel like she is last on the Volx (too soon?) / And how do you feel about the "Foster incident"? We never really saw Kaytee         and Foster's relationship properly

Kaytee: Do we still have a Volx? Do you think they're going to do that again?

Kaytee: I love Foster. He's always been there for us, each of us, whether we deserved it or not. To have him be taken away from us so suddenly like this...I don't even know how to cope losing another friend.

@Hannahbushh: do you feel guilty

Kaytee: I just feel sad about everything that has happened. I don't want to add guilt to it.

@Carmen_1inchD: if race died would you eventually love Cartney? I think you already do, in your own way, but come to be with him completely?

Kaytee: I'm not sure. Race has something in him that Cartney doesn't. Likewise, Cartney has something in him Race lacks. I don't know what something it is that I'd fully need.

@tinyfriendofalfonso: Why are you so strong and how do you do it?

Kaytee: I'd hardly call myself strong, but I cope with music. It's important to have somewhere to turn to where you can fully be yourself.

@suicidxquad: What's your favorite song?

Kaytee: *shifts in seat* It's called Blinding Love.

@jamila_grace: Why do you think cartney is one of your weaknesses?

Kaytee: Wait––

Author's Input: Only Chapter and Emeray know about the Weakness list right now! I don't know why they didn't just show it to everyone, but I'm just lazy. So many plot flaws. Ugh.

@_starstruck800_: Do you still feel something special for Cartney?

Kaytee: *shifts in seat* Um. I don't know.

@niallthevsmodel: What are your current feelings towards Cartney Kirk?

Cartney, trying to open the door: Could I hear this?

Kaytee: Next question?

@Weboftruths: How are you holding up?

Kaytee: As best as I can. I've written some lines, a couple of poems to help cope. Foster deserves something beautiful out of all this. I hope I can supply that.

@Merry_Times: What's your favorite song?

Kaytee: Well...

@youre_trash_: Do you wish that your relationship with Race never got revealed or at least in a more calm manner?

Kaytee: Everyday. If the people were to find out, I would've liked it to be on our terms.

@hellofrthotherside: Do you still like Cartney? Ps: I know she loves race but she was so angry at em and he was listed as one of her weakness / Now that you know that life it's too short will you ignore the haters             and live a happy life with race?

Kaytee: Well, Cartney doesn't mean nothing to me, but I just . . . He's caused so much trouble with Race and I regarding the public. I don't know what to think of him right now.

Kaytee: I don't know if I can ever fully ignore the haters. Compliments make someone feel light, and hate weighs you down. It's hard to forget the weight.

@venetum: Would you leave the Famoux if Race asked you to leave with him?

Kaytee: I don't think we have that option anymore. Norax has already said no once. Even if I wanted to, we don't have much of a choice in that matter.


There was Kaytee! She really did have the least amount of comment questions. All it took was Till's point of view chapter and everyone was like, "I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TILL." Quite the turn. I love how the opinions can change so fast. This is an exciting thing to witness.

Who would you like to hear from next?

Do you have any questions for me?

I promise The Classix is coming soon. Something MAJOR just came up around the closing of The Famoux, so I've been a little distracted. It'll all be worth it. GAHH!

Have a famoux day.

Remember: Sticks and Stones may break your bones, but haters make you famoux.

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