Chapter 11: His Grievous Sins

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You are reading the clean version of Chapter 11 and missing a lot of good stuff ;) Seriously, about 1,500 words. It was a naughty chapter.

Please give feedback with comments or PMs. A quick vote is also appreciated. *adorable begging kitten eyes* :)

Leah's POV:

Leah and James went back to their normal routine on Thursday, and James went into work for a couple of hours. On Friday, she made her list for Trudy while he was away. She wrote:



Forced medical exams

She tried to think of his other grievous sins. She almost wrote, "Won't let me lie to him," but that wasn't really a grievous sin, was it? She certainly didn't think Trudy would believe it to be so. Then she looked at the list critically.

Kidnapping – he certainly had done that, no question. He had captured her and forced her here against her will. Plus, he was still keeping her prisoner.

Seduction – well, he had tried but failed. If she were honest, he hadn't seduced her at all the night they first had sex. In fact, he had asked her three times to be sure she was ready. She was also pretty sure he would have stopped if she had said to. He had frozen when she said, "Wait", and had looked so relieved when she had explained that she just wanted him to slow down. But would he stop now? She could test him to be sure. Yes, if she said she didn't want to have sex and he let her get away with it, she would take that off the list.

Forced medical exams - he definitely had done, in collusion with Doc. So that was staying on the list.

That night, she put some pajamas on after her shower and combed her own hair. She walked out to where he was sitting in the living room.

His eyebrows rose. "Pajamas, Leah?"

She hadn't worn pajamas since they had started having sex. She usually wore a nightgown while he brushed her hair. It never stayed on long in the bed. She said, "I want to sleep in my bed tonight."

He frowned. "Somehow, I don't think you mean our bed." She shook her head, so he stood up, clearly alarmed. "Why? What's wrong?"

Going for calm and casual, she answered, "Nothing. I just want to sleep alone tonight."

He eyed her critically, his gaze traveling down her pajamas. His eyes snapped back to hers, and he gently asked, "Did you start your period, love?"

"No!" she said indignantly.

He said, "Damn!" and slapped his forehead.

"What?" His reaction was confusing.

"I forgot to get you supplies for when you do."

She insisted, "I didn't get my period, James."

"I believe you, but we should still be prepared. Are you feeling sick?"

She shook her head.

"Do you even think you can fall asleep alone? You couldn't even take a nap alone the other day."

"That was because of the session."

He frowned, thinking again. "I don't believe I said or did anything that made you angry today. Did I?"

She frowned. "Not before this conversation."

His voice firmed up. "Fine. Go to bed then, but if you don't fall asleep quickly, I'm moving you back to our bed."

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