Tips on Guys

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✓ be yourself: guys like getting to know you and not someone else. don't change who you are when you're around him.
✓ be adventurous: even if exploring isn't your thing, try to branch out and try new things! guys like to see that.
✓ be positive: guys don't like hearing all of the negative things. if you need to talk once in a while about something that's bothering you, that's perfectly fine, but don't drown them in negativity.
✓ interact: don't be on your phone, insta, or snapchat 24/7. guys like talking to your face and getting to know you, so have a little human interaction!

✕ be mean! guys have feelings too, remember that. you wouldn't want them to disrespect you, so don't do it to them. it's a two way street!
✕ play dumb: guys don't find it attractive when you pretend like you don't know the answer or purposely play dumb.
✕ try and change who they are. if you like them for who they are, then why change that!
✕ complain: guys don't like hearing you complain about everything and girls don't either tbh. just don't complain.

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