Chapter 2

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Kelly wasn't uncomfortable in his prison cell, not really. Ever since he had been handed over to Reed's boss, Murray to be a snitch, he had been living in the lap of luxury, unlike he had ever had before. Not only did he have a constant bed, but he had all the home comforts he had missed ever since leaving home; a TV, books, a play station, as well as a laptop. He was given an allowance of phone calls so that he could keep in touch with his friends on the outside and keep in with who was who and who was in charge in the world he had left behind.

After all, the whole point of him being a snitch was that he could give Murray and Raidon the low down on who they needed to keep an eye on and who was dealing in what business. He couldn't do that from inside prison unless he could keep in touch with his friends, so that was what he did. E-mails, phone calls, Facebook and letters kept him up to date with what was going on outside. And he was forced to report all of it to Murray and Raidon.

He didn't like dealing with Raidon, especially when he didn't know his real name. Not even Murray would tell him that. And he could only use his position so much without people getting bored with hearing him talk. "Bojo's running the drugs down in Gripburn now, after Tobs got locked up for possession. And Karps is trying to break into the antiquities trade to take over from Blake." Kelly examined his nails as he spoke, giving Murray and Raidon the low down on what he had been able to find out from his friends in the last two weeks since their last visit. He wasn't interested in anything they had to say, he was just doing his job and reporting what he knew so that he got to keep the home comforts of the prison he was kept in. He didn't want to test them too much or else he would be sent to county lock up; and that was bad for his health.

"And why should this bother us?" Raidon wondered, folding his arms as he waited to hear something that interested him. He wasn't sure what it mattered to them that Kelly's snot nosed friends were playing gangster. Ever since he had been captured by Reed, and handed over to the Waynflete agency, he hadn't given them one worthwhile piece of information that had brought an arrest or the recovery of any goods that might be important to them. He was a waste of time.

"Because Karps and Bojo are working together. They're hiding the drugs in the antiquities like Blake did, except that they don't bother with making fakes. Everything is real, probably stolen. They sell the antiquity to some hot shot for millions, being shipped into the country with drugs already inside them. They separate them on delivery, ship the drugs to the dealers and the antiquities to the posh gits." Kelly sighed as he looked up at the men who stood outside his cell, wondering how stupid they could be.

Everything he had told them since his incarceration was important to what was about to happen, they were just too blind to notice. If they weren't careful, some things would start happening that they weren't going to like and he was going to suffer for it, all because they were too stupid to take notice of the small details that would result in a bigger picture.

"Then he sends their low level lackey in to the posh gits houses, to steal back the antiquities. The big shots don't care because they have the real antiquities insured, so they get compensated for the theft and don't go making noises about getting them back. Then Karps sells the antiquities again, steals them and sells them again." He explained the system as if he was talking to children with no understanding of how things worked. Raidon looked frustrated and unappreciative of the tone he was using, but Kelly was glad to see that Murray was at least paying attention and getting his brain going.

"So he gets about a dozen or so sells out of each antiquity as well as anything else the thieves take on their job?" Raidon guessed the end of the story. Kelly nodded and smiled, admitting that he had finally got the picture. What they did about it was their business. But if he was going to have to snitch on his friends with no way out of prison unless his big brother said so, then he wanted something back in return. He had never worked for free and he wasn't going to start now.

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