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"You truly are a jewel." I grimaced, staring at Duke Everton's son. He was handsome. Tall and lean....a dashing smile. Everything a girl could ask for in a man. Yet he lacked brains.

I sighed. "Your flattery does not appeal to me."

"Oh?" He questioned, him pulling something from his jacket pocket. "Does this type of flattery, do? A jewel for a jewel," he smiled as he revealed a sparkling sapphire necklace.

My greed was eating it up. It was beautiful. Gorgeous actually. Any woman would be proud to have that on their neck. I was a Princess, though. I had many jewels like this. "One fit...for a Queen."

A frown graced my features. "I think it's best for you to go. That Queen reference was meant for you to imply that a King could only give me such riches. And what? Because of this necklace, I'll be compelled to marry you and make you King?" I scoffed, as he looked offended that I had unraveled his whole idiotic plan.

"Because of my charm, Princess. One thing you lack, greatly. What happened to the beautiful, flirty princess act? Isn't that a requirement for being a royal woman?"

I scoffed. "I think it is time for you to go."

He walked away, face red with anger and I did too. How could someone insult me like this? "My dear daughter, why didn't you accept his gift?"

I spun around to see my mother hiding a smile from her lips. "He's a pig mother."

"He was right about you," she said as she circled me with a look of severe criticism. "You lack charm. Sure your beauty will get you somewhere, but charm is the weapon of a woman."

"So act like an incompetent fool with men, who'll only use me? He would give me a necklace with one hand and then slap me with the other."

She smiled. "No, honey. We women rub their backs with one hand...and simply stab them with a blade in the other."


I stared at the King. It was a week since the tragedy. No one spoke about it. None of the workers in the castle, none of the guards. My only time to question was meal times. This time thank god, Eddie wasn't among us. I could actually ask him questions, instead of nodding yes or no to his stupid, trivial questions.

"I'm not very hungry," I admitted as I watched his jaw tighten. This happened often when we would eat meals. I would decline food, or not answer correctly.

A growl erupted from him as he stabbed at the breakfast. "You are lying. I hear your stomach from the other room. I will force feed you if I have to."

I gulped, and bit off a piece of bread. That would be a horrible thing to go through... "Why did you kill everyone? What was your goal?" I questioned him, as he stared at me for a moment before continuing to eat his food. "What? You will not answer me?"

"I have no reason to."

My hand wrapped tightly around my fork. How dare he! He took my life, he ripped it away, all I loved within one day! "You owe me an explanation for killing my parents!"

His eyes met mine. They were ablaze with anger. He seemed upset. Which was preposterous considering he had no love lost from this recent tragedy. "I had no intentions of killing them. Your father and the vampire nation were plotting against us. They had the weapons, everything to wipe out my race. I had one of my men in your council," he explained. "I gave your father a choice. Get rid of all of the weapons or something bad will happen. He said it was to late, that his council had a majority rule over him. So, my plan was to kill the council. Which I succeeded in."

"And my parents? They were a perk?" I said tears streaming down my face. "You're a horrible King. How can you just-"

"-I did not kill them!" He roared, slamming his fists down onto the table. "Someone misinterpreted my orders and killed them," he growled.

"Who?" I spat. "And you ordered them. You said everyone but me! Why?!"

He growled. "Your parents were dead before I came. There was nothing I could do. The damage was already done, Esmerelda."

I sighed shakily wiping the tears away from my cheeks quickly. "Who killed them?"

"I do not know. That is what I am investigating."

"Will they receive a punishment?" I questioned him, watching his eyes seemed to light up.

He nodded. "Death." I let out a long sigh. At least I would have justice for them one way or another...but their deaths won't bring my parents back.

"That's suitable," I said slowly as he nodded his head. Now for the question I really needed answering. "Why am I here? Why did you spare my life?"

He looked up from his food, his eyes capturing mine. "I am a King without a Queen. It's simple," he said as he took a sip of water.

I blinked. He could not be serious. Was this some cruel joke to play on the human? "What?"

"You are going to become my Queen."

"I will not marry you." He had to have drank something sour. Was he drunk? Something...something was not right.

A smile appeared on his features. One that had me leaning back in my seat...from fear? Intimidation. I didn't know. "You don't have a choice in this matter, beautiful."

My heart began to thump wildly. I stood up from my seat. If I was here any longer I will not be responsible for my actions. "You have lost your sanity if you think I will sit here and become your wife because I have no where else to go! You took my family, my people, my home away from me! You will not have me too!"

He stood up. The chair scraping against the floor was especially loud in my mind. He slowly and yet deliberately, took his time walking to me; until he stood in my line of vision.

I stood my ground, even though I was shaking terribly. His hand darted out; I expected a slap. Some show of force. He gripped my chin gently, the warmth from his hand washing over my body like a wave.

"I will have you...all of you, Esmerleda," he said as his eyes raked over my body. I tried to get away. His other arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.

"No you wont!" I spat angrily at him, my body gradually welcoming in his warmth. I hate him.

"I will," he claimed, his smile making the scar on his face look even more fierce. "I will have your body, heart, soul. Everything," he growled, as I watched his eyes zero in on my lips.

"Don't you dare!" I panicked. I shoved with all my might at his chest. He let me go quickly, making me almost fall into the table. "Don't you ever touch me again!"

He chuckled as he grabbed my glass of wine. "Till our wedding night."


I whipped around, smiling nervously at my little brother. "You guys are gettin' married?" He whispered. "He-he's mean though!" He exclaimed as I noticed tears in his eyes.

"Eddie, let me explain," I said as he cringed when I tried to reach out to him. Then he ran from me. I let lose a frustrated sigh, as I whipped around staring at King Sirus. "I will not marry you."

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote or comment, they give me life lol

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