Chapter | 1

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Coming down the escalator, Emily smiled as she caught sight of the arrival gate. Flight 2390 Sydney to Perth flashed on the screen in the center of the baggage collection as people emerged from the gates, greeted by their loved ones with open arms. People in business suits headed straight to the conveyor belt, which had started to move with promise of luggage soon to emerge, others walked into the familiar arms of parents, spouses and children. To Emily, this was the happiest place to be where the tears were of joy, there was laughing and smiles. Stepping off the stairs she headed to the coffee shop within the terminal, closest to the arrivals.

Her fiancé had just left on another business trip, first to Darwin before on to Singapore as GTF, one of the biggest emerging mining companies from Australia, tried to establish a new trading deal within the international market. He had come a long way from the 18-year-old truck driver who was slumming it on a low level fly in fly out mine job while he completed his surveying university course doubling with a human resource diploma. With his background at having been on a mine, he managed to work his way up through the ranks and was held with great esteem at the company and was the envy of many of his peers.

As the smell of coffee started to invade her senses, she pulled up her rich red hair into a loose ponytail to try and give it some kind of order from the long waves she had left untamed in the morning rush to drop Greg off at the airport in time for check in. It was just as she was about to head inside that she heard the thud of something being dropped and the curses that followed. Turning, she took in the sight as if in slow motion.

He. Was. Hot.

She knew plenty of good looking guys, Greg wasn't exactly plain but this man actually caused her mouth to open slightly as her green eyes wide with a shock appreciation of the vision in front of her. His dark brown hair was tousled messily as though hands had been running through it all night, he was tanned and from under his blue t-shirt with a university name she didn't recognize on, he kept in shape. His blue eyes frowned like his lips as he looked at the trolley in front him.

Blinking she regained control of her body and noticed one of his extremely large black suitcases had fell of the trolley. He had a satchel over his shoulder and a smaller red trolley case at his side as he struggled around to fix it back upright. In a couple of steps she was beside the trolley, "Here let me help you with that" and groaned slightly as she attempted to help lift it back up, the case much heavier than she anticipated. Smiling she reached over the basket on top of the handles and pulled the red cord down in front of the cases, securing them in place. "That'll hold it". She felt her cheeks redden slightly as his gaze met hers, he returned the smile and she was certain she had seen him in one of her fashion magazines, he was just that kind of irresistible! People flooded by them as the his fellow passengers headed to the exit and the next couple of flights that had arrived at the same time, followed.

"Thanks...?" He trawled off, as if the thanks were a question. She detected a hint of an accent. Seriously, was he created from every woman's dream? Never one to act shy she quickly remembered her manners.

"Emily" she replied, holding out her hand. He took it and gave it a gentle squeeze as he did so.

"Jack" He replied. Unsure what else to say she offered him another smile.

"Well enjoy the rest of your day Jack!" and with that she headed in the direction of the bathroom. After taking the time to cool herself down, she headed back to the coffee shop. With the morning off she could get back to her plans of getting a dose of happy that always perked her back up after Greg left. Checking her messages as she joined the queue and Jacks voice caused her head to snap up.

"Large Cappucino, thank you", she suddenly felt extremely guilty at allowing a good looking stranger have such an affect on her especially since her fiance was upstairs waiting to board.

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