Armor summary

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Isabella, future queen of Gardia, unlike the ladies of her time, is no damsel, but a fierce warrior. Though respected by men and shunned by women she fleetingly wonders what it would be like to fall in love.

The Head of the Knights of Jaria, enemy nation to Gardia, Aiden has resented women for most of his life and relishes in the fact his job keeps him out of their conniving clutches.

What happens when war threatens and the stoic Aiden meets the formidable Isabella ? Sparks fly in more ways than one.

This is my first story so if you're interested in the plot feel free to tell me for encouragement, thanks.

Also there are a few grammatical errors that I hope do not detract from the tale I've woven for you all. I believe the writing improves over the course of the tale and I appreciate those who decide to read Armor. Enjoy

To Phyllis,
For giving birth to me and always loving me for the entirety of my life. Reign with the King Ma, Reign On.
November 28th, 1966-December 27th 2015.
"Heroes get remembered but Legends never die."

Reign On.

ArmorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant