Her Pernicious Life

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Contest entry for SandyGraves

"You are worthless. I'll make sure you live the worst life. I'll make sure you regret being born in this world."

Though she was miles away, his words kept ringing in her ears. Each passing second of her life was always under a fear of getting trapped; of getting ruined. She never knew what she did to deserve that kind of life. Being a 10 year old kid she never understood the meaning of his words "You little devil cost me a lot in my life. You for sure are not going to be happy for this. From now on, your life will be ruled by me. I'll make your life a living hell and your family will be ruined" . But those words were clearly etched in her heart and a constant fear lingered around her. Growing up was the most difficult thing in her life. 

She had transformed into a beautiful young lady in the course of 10 years, who put up a strong facade camouflaging her inner apprehensions. Those engraved fatuous words were now vivid to her. All the memories of her tormented childhood flashed across her mind. The childhood to be treasured with sweet loving memories were tainted with terrifying happenings. 

A visit to the fair in broad daylight which was supposed to be blissful one turned out to be the most dreadful one, when her tiny fingers were snatched away from her mother's protective hold and her tiny 10 year old frame was left abandoned amidst a massive crowd. The worried look and the tear stained face of her mother when she found her shattered her tiny heart. Looking at the fear in her mother's eyes, her sobs ceased and unknown jitters gripped her heart. The words of the stranger who took her "This is just a beginning my little devil" echoed in her mind and the devilish look in his eyes were imprinted in her memory.   

The feeling of being watched always haunted her. She again met the same devilish eyes and evil smirk when she was being chased by a stray dog in a lonely road one day. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She looked around for help, but only saw that devil laughing hard at her. Fear gripped her heart and she finally landed safe in her mom's hands. She saw the same fear in her mom's eyes too. Every day of her living was a fight for her survival. Those eyes constantly brought her nightmares. Life had never been fair for a child like her. Though the little 11 year never knew the reason for all these, she wanted to end all this. Little did she know, the future had a different plan for her.

The clock ticked fast and years flew past, but the terrors and the torture persisted. Wherever she went people taunted her. Failures and rejections were always her best friends. Not to forgot her second home loneliness. She felt a million needle pierce through her heart every time she saw her mother's tears. She always wondered the reason for those tears and she had a strong urge to suck out the last strand of life of that person. Her father always remained a mystery for her. Her life took a major turn when she turned 20. Out of the blues, one day, she was snatched away from her mom's protective shield. 

Since then, she had faced only darkness. She used to fight against random guys who tried to lay hands on her. It was so hard for her to handle them. But, she was finally successful in getting rid of them. Not able to withstand her tantrums, they left her. She silently thanked her mom for forcing her to join self defense classes. Tears were her only companion day and night. The thought of her troubled mother tore her apart. Her mother was the only reason she had come so far. Her mother was her only support. Silent prayers, violent tears and her mom's scent strengthened her. She lost track of time. The day came when she saw those eyes again and that instant she knew her state was going to worsen. He had that evil smirk again and his eyes held a wicked glint. His menacing voice let out the words "Looks like my little devil has grown up into a pretty lady. I hope you have been enjoying your life so far."  Caressing her cheeks with his thumb he said, "I hate to ruin this soft skin. But i'm left with no choice. The real fun is going to begin here and an important note, 'if you fail to co-operate your mom's life will be in danger'. See you soon my darling. have fun."

Before leaving he pressed the burning butt of his cigar on her cheeks and left with a content smile. As soon as he left, two men came in and beat her up till she slumped down on the floor. Only the walls and the dark ceiling could hear her loud cries. In addition to these many years of mental agony, she now received a gift of physical abuse. This continued as a daily routine for what seemed like a decade and finally after inflicting satisfactory pain she was let free. Bearing all the pain, she eagerly rushed to home to feel the warmth of her mom's love. But fate had played the worst game and she was welcomed by a cold and empty house. She knew she lost her dearest mom when there was loss of usual charm and warmth of her house. Her only hope of life, her only reason to live, her only pillar of support was no more and she collapsed letting out her deep buried grief and crying out aloud.

She became a zombie in the cheerful world. She was a lost soul with a stone heart until she met someone who broke the walls of her heart and brought back her lost cheerfulness, not completely though. She was proved wrong again and her trust was broken when she realized the person was just a setup by the devil. She was shattered to a million pieces. The pain gushed through her veins and stabbed her heart. It killed her a million times when she came to know that the devil was none other than her mysterious father. 

The memories of her tormented childhood;  her sweet mother's love; the moments spent with her mom; the days of her physical abuse; her heartbreak all came rushing back. Never in this world a person is bound to suffer the amount of mental and physical agony she went through. And she decided to put an final closure to all these sufferings by ending a life - not her life, but her evil father's life!!!..........



WORD COUNT - 1170....

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