Chapter Six

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“Come on Vega, this assignment is due in three weeks and it’s not going to do itself!” Jade announced barging into Tori’s house. Tori was on the couch doing her homework but grinned when she heard the girl’s voice.

“Do you insist on having to make yourself known like that? I mean, I do have a doorbell,” Tori teased, moving her books so Jade could sit down.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jade retorted, putting their equipment down. “Good news though, I asked Sikowitz and he said that we could film our play instead of acting it on stage.” Tori raised a quizzical eyebrow.

“And why is that good news?” Jade looked at the brunette as if she was stupid.

“Because, Vega, that means we can add special effects. We’re doing horror… trust me, this is to our advantage.” Tori shrugged.

“As long as you’re doing all the technical stuff then I’m down.”

“You are just a pretty face, aren’t you?” Jade chuckled. Tori frowned.

“I’m not sure if that was an insult or not,” she muttered.

“Don’t worry, it was,” Jade flashed a wide grin and Tori’s heart stuttered.

“You’re in a good mood,” Tori noticed. Jade shrugged.

“I guess.”

“Oh, speaking of which, Beck is coming around for a few minutes tonight,” Tori said clicking her fingers as she remembered.

“Why?” Jade asked harshly. Tori frowned at her reaction. Were they fighting again?

“Are you guys okay?” Tori asked.

“We’re fine,” Jade snapped, all the playfulness from before, gone.

“I don’t believe you,” Tori replied boldly. Jade scoffed.

“I don’t care if you believe me or not.” Just then the doorbell rang.

“At least he announces himself like a civilized person,” Tori muttered as she got up to get the door. She heard Jade growl which made her smile. She opened the door and saw the handsome boy before her looking distracted.

“Hey Tori,” Beck came into the house and then noticed Jade on the couch. “J-Jade? What are you doing here?”

“I could say the same to you,” Jade said barely even noticing his presence. They were definitely fighting. Tori shot Beck a look but he ignored her.

“Tori had my notes from biology.”

“Vega and I have an assignment together, remember?” Jade said finally looking up from the project. Beck nodded quickly.

“Well, Beck, your notes are on the kitchen counter,” Tori interrupted. She got the book and gave it back to the boy. “Thank you so much for them by the way you’re a real life saver.” Beck gave Tori a genuine smile.

“Any time Tori. Well, I’ll see you at school,” Beck walked to the door. “Bye babe,” he called over his shoulder to Jade. Jade merely grunted. The poor boy sighed and left leaving a thick silence between the two girls.

“What the chiz was that?” Tori asked settling back down on the couch.

“Nothing,” Jade said quickly. Tori frowned at the strange behavior but decided to drop it. She didn’t want to make the girl mad. “Anyway, you’ll be happy to know that I’ve already written the whole synopsis of our play. All we have to do is write the script now.”

“I’m impressed,” Tori admitted looking through the work the raven-haired beauty had done. As she was reading she felt Jade’s eyes boring into her side and she squirmed under the gaze.

Trouble (EDITING) (Lesbian Story) (Jori)Where stories live. Discover now