20 | Boys Are Idiots

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Photo above is Nathan Rhodes. Imagine waking up to THAT.

"Get out of my room."

"Damn, she chose you and not me? Is there something wrong with her?"

"Ty, shut up and get out of my room."

I could hear the voices becoming less faint as I was pulled further out of sleep, and the prospect of waking up didn't quite hit me yet.

"I'm still gonna hit that."

"Get out of my fucking room before I get up and beat you until you can't have sex anymore."

"A little possessive, are we?"

I could make out Nathan's voice, which was much quieter, and assumed the other was Ty's. I could hear the clear irritation lacing Nathan's voice directed solely toward his brother. If I were more awake then maybe I would've yelled at Nate for not locking his door, but my mind was hazy as to why I was waking up hearing their voices anyway.

I hear shuffling and then a door shuts. The sound was the last component of my waking up, and I finally stirred in my half asleep state as I fully came to. I let out an involuntary low moan when I first feel myself being pulled out of sleep and then snuggle closer to my current source of warmth in the hopes that it would lull me back to sleep.

And then it moved. 

My pillow tensed underneath me and became ten times more rigid than the comfort I got from it before. And when I took a deep breath, I recognized the pillow as more of a chest, with the familiar musky scent that I loved. Nathan's chest, to be exact. My eyes opened slowly at the realization as the memory of falling asleep in his bed last night slaps me in the face. 

I look up through hooded eyes and see Nathan's eccentric gaze already watching me. He's biting his bottom lip, an unbelievably sexy combination with his messy morning hair, and I suddenly realized that I enjoyed waking up to the sight a little to much. It also suddenly registered how much of my body was pressed against Nathan and I pulled myself away quickly. 

"Morning," I mumble tiredly as my head falls onto an actual pillow and I rub my eyes with my hands. "I'm going to kill Ty for making so much noise."

He rubs the back of his neck as he chuckles nervously. "You heard all that?"

"Just enough to know that he deserves to be beat until he can't have sex anymore," I joke with a sleepy smile before the prospect that I slept over even after he tried to get rid of me last night finally sinks in. Warmth coats my cheeks as I frown at Nathan sheepishly. "I'm sorry for sleeping over. I really didn't mean to, I just got really tired..."

I was painfully aware that my excuse was as lame as I was. 

"It's okay," Nathan seems more relaxed as he smiles at me. "Letting you sleep over was the least I could do for saving my ass last night."

I shake my head at his dramatic statement. "It wasn't a big deal."

His smile returns and looks so genuine that I find myself distracted and stunned silent for a second. His voice was so deep and husky in the morning, his eyes were brighter and more alive than I've ever seen them, his smile was sleepy yet happy, and his bed head looked like it was perfectly styled by the Gods. 

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