Chapter Nineteen

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I light every candle I can find (which is three). I place one on either side of the queen-sized bed in a little niche that acts as a shelf and headboard. The third I place on the dresser directly across from the bed.

As Alec unpacks his backpack, I wipe off the dusty old mirror above the dresser and stare at myself. I already have the makings of dark circles under my eyes. My cheeks are beginning to hollow from the lack of food. I've never been hungrier than I am now that I'm starting to think about it. I wonder if Alec has anything... I don't want to bother him anymore, though.

"I brought you some clothes to change into," Alec says suddenly. I jump at his voice piercing the silent air.


"Yeah, I had forgotten until I unpacked. Here." He hands me a royal blue sweater and grey jeans. Of course, I don't want to sleep in this.

"Thanks," I say, staring down at the clothes. I really don't want to make Alec upset again by being petty.

Alec sees it on my face, though. "I also brought you some sweatpants.

I feel my face light up at the sight of the comfortable clothing I can actually wear to sleep. "How did you fit all this in there?"

Alec grins a little. "I just rolled all the clothes and blankets and mushed everything else in there as tightly as possible. The rope is gone now, so that's a little weight off my back."

"Maybe we could find me one so we can collect more supplies and carry more," I suggest hesitantly.

Alec nods. "That's not a bad idea. Okay, go change while I make the bed. This has got to be nasty."

Once I've taken off the dress and discarded it under the sink, I pull on the black sweatpants and slide the sweater on over my head. Of course, the dress is beautiful, but now that I see it off my body, I don't ever want it back on.

When I walk out of the bathroom and see Alec lining the surface of the bed with a plush blanket decorated with flowers. His mom must have given that to him for our journey. I can't wait to see the sweet lady again.

"The bed isn't too bad, but just to be on the safe side, we're not touching it. I took the pillow cases off the pillows and found folded ones in the closets. Those seem in O.K. condition. I really wonder how none of this is eaten up by bugs yet. There must not be many cracks in the walls yet."

"Maybe this hotel was run a little after the wars... Maybe well into Bayfell times," I say.

Alec sits on the edge of the bed and then collapses to his back in exhaustion. "We did a lot today, Belle."

I sit next to him and lean over on my knees, covering my face in the palms of my hands. I don't know what to think now. My whole life has been pretty dull and strict. Now... I don't even know what's going on.

Hours ago I was almost raped by a prince. That was a little craziness God decided to throw into my life.

"Belle?" Alec says gently. He sits up and rests his hand on my back. He moves it in slow circles as he tilts my chin towards him with his other hand. "You okay? Well, of course you're not okay... This is overwhelming you beyond belief. And I—I've been such a jerk to you, snapping at you right and left."

I blink at him tiredly.

Alec plants a soft kiss on my lips. "I'm sorry," he whispers. "You've been through so much and I'm just throwing everything at you right and left, and then on top of that expecting you to be at your best when obviously you haven't eaten in days. Am I right?"

I look down at my shaking hands. I nod.

Alec pulls his backpack over to his side and digs inside one of the outside pockets. He fishes out a granola bar. "I don't have a lot, but this should help a little bit."

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