Chapter 18

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He shouldn't be here. He really shouldn't. But when she'd told him that she would be here the entire afternoon, he couldn't resist the urge to go see her. Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was worry, it could even be the unnerving and quickly growing feelings of longing for her, but he didn't really mind. All of his doubts were forgotten as she stepped from the shadows of the woods and saw her small frame resting against the pillar on her grandmother's front porch. She appeared to be asleep.

With vampire speed he rushed up to her, stopping right before her to look down on her as conflicted feelings passed over his face.

Not too long ago, Damon had been standing in another girl's bedroom, watching her sleep in his endless loneliness, but as the source of his love for the image of her, his addiction, had been proven false, he couldn't remember ever having felt this moved by the sight of a young woman sleeping. Contrary to Elena, Bonnie wasn't the incarnation of her early nineteenth century ancestor, though Emily's strong, yet delicate features had survived through the generations and showed in her young descendant's charming face.

Emily had been the only person who had always been able to unnerve him, he had actually feared her and if it hadn't been for Katherine, he would have stayed away from her as far as possible. But in their need to save their loved ones, they had surprisingly found each other, though it had condemned him to watch over her offspring into eternity.

Damon knelt down and stretched out his hand to gently trail his finger along Bonnie's cheek and exposed neckline. To his surprise, she didn't wake up.

Bonnie Bennett. The last witch of Emily's line and the least experienced one at that too. True to his word, he had protected her like the other witches before her and Emily's betrayal hadn't made him rethink his side of the bargain. Unknowingly, even unbeknownst to himself either, she'd taken a special place in his heart which he thought had been broken after Katherine's betrayal. He wondered if Emily had ever foreseen for that to happen, or would approve of him caressing her descendant like a lover.

His expression softened as he gently brushed away a curl, his gaze trailed toward Bonnie's neck and caught the vein pulsing barely visibly underneath her caramel skin. He pulled back his hand.

A network of blackened veins appeared around his suddenly blackening eyes as he deeply inhaled. His nostrils were filled with the sweet scent of Emily's powerful lineage running through her veins. The memory of her taste had stayed with him ever since he'd sunken his teeth into her and had left him craving more. When he had kissed her on the front lawn he'd been able to contain himself, but on her grandmother's front porch, her intoxicating scent mixing with the scent of the roses surrounding the house, he fought a losing battle.

Slowly but determinedly he leaned in, his face only inches from hers as the crease between her eyebrows deepened. His nose then touched her soft cheek and drew a line toward her earlobe until his lips hovered above her exposed neck. He closed his eyes as he lightly grazed her incredibly soft skin and the tip of his tongue peeked through his slightly parted lips, tracing the place where the vampire was going to attack.

Then he suddenly sighed and drew back with supernatural speed, catching her hand before it was going to grab his arm.

She looked at him with wide eyes. For a moment they were rooted to their spot, watching each other as Damon's eyes returned to normal.

"What made you stop?" The witch whispered, breaking the silence.

Damon shook his head and loosened his grip on Bonnie's arm.

"You." His conflicted tone betrayed the feelings of relief and regret coursing through him as he looked down on her.

Bonnie processed this, then lifted her hand to her neck, hiding it from view. Her gaze met his. "Next time I will set you on fire," she stated simply, the danger behind her threatening announcement crystal clear without the use of rightful anger. Damon blinked and narrowed his eyes, before he sat down next to her, his arms loosely resting on his knees.

Bonnie shifted somewhat closer to her pillar. "What are you doing here?"

A bitter expression momentarily flashed through Damon's ice blue eyes. He looked at her from the corner of his eye, a serious yet wary expression in his ice blue eyes. "Next question please."

Bonnie carefully let go of her neck and rested her hands in her lap, the soft yellow of the thin cotton dress complimenting her skin.

"How did you know I was here?" She finally asked. "I have told nobody."

Damon merely cocked his head. "I have my sources," he replied enigmatically, not explaining himself and Bonnie's eyes travelled over his sharp profile as he stared a little absentmindedly into the distance. Subconsciously her gaze came to rest upon his lips which just now had grazed her neck but only yesterday had been pressed against hers, parting for her to taste their softness... A feeling she very much wanted to experience again. Her eyes widened at the direction her thoughts had taken her and quickly averted her gaze, focusing on the straps of her sandals instead.

"That was a brave thing to do, little witch."

Bonnie blinked at his unexpected remark. "What?"

"The visit." With a little jerk of his head he motioned to the house behind them. "How do you feel?"

"Oh, I..." She looked at the circles in the sand underneath her feet. How did she feel? Relieved, she guessed, that she had finally come to peace with her grandmother's passing. "Better than I had expected," she then answered honestly. "I only feel gladness for being back here where my Grams lived. The place still breathes her."

"Hmm," Damon cast a look over his shoulder and he frowned slightly as if he felt it too, the echoes of Sheila's presence here and it made him uncomfortable.

The young witch at his side noticed his reaction which reminded her of the connection between the vampire and her family. "So," she spoke up quietly, the sound of her voice breaking the silence, "you protected every witch in Emily's line."

Damon grimaced slightly. "Yep, each and every one of them," he replied evenly, with a hint of self-mockery.

"Then you must really hate us by now," Bonnie stated matter-of-factly, only a hint of regret lacing her voice.

At this Damon glanced at her from the corner of his eye, but then shook his head dismissively, a vague smile playing around his lips. "Do you want me to?"

Bonnie sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "I didn't say that," she said quietly. "... But I guess the correct answer would be: I don't care if you do."

Damon nodded. "You're a quick learner, little witch."

My Crow (Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum