«Chapter 9»

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I smile as Flame and I walk out of the gym. She's panting and sweat is running down her forehead:"You know, you did better than any other wolf I've met. And you running on high heels has improved, along with you're speed."

She looks at me:"My pack rejected me because I'm weak but actually I'm a cry-..." She grins at first, but then her face turns pale.

"You're what sis? You know you can trust me right?" I ask her. I know she probably sees the look of hurt on my face, it's not nice knowing that she doesn't trust me.

She takes a deep breath and fiddles with her fingers:"I'm a- a- a crystal wolf."

I look at her unbelievably. "Wow, that explains everything!" I smile.

She looks at me and blinks her eyes a couple of times. I guess she expected me to be more surprised but yeah, my mum and dad were Crystal Wolves. "I used to know Crystal Wolves." I tell her.

Her eyes light up:"You can tell me what they are and what they do?"

I chuckle:"Course i will little sis, let's go to my room, I'll tell you there."

I run over to her and swing her over my shoulders. She shouts playfully as her tiny fists hit my back. The pack members look weirdly at me but i laugh and start running towards the pack house. "YOU SON OF A DEVIL, PUT ME DOWN!" She screams.

I laugh:"Says the Devil herself."

She mumbles something with woman and heels so i say:"What did you just say?!" I try to sound intimidating.

Then Clara, my best friend and one of my pack members walks up to me:"Hi Alpha!"

I open my mouth to reply, to tell her that she can call me Dylan as suddenly Flame screams:"PUT ME DOWN OR ILL SHOW HER THE PICTURE WITH THE HEELS!"

My face pales as i quickly put her back into the ground. "Clara, this is Flame. Flame, this is Clara." I introduce.

Flame looks at Clara with a scared expression, tough i don't understand what's so scary about her. Clara has dirty blonde hair that falls onto her shoulders, tan skin and plump red lips. Her nose is slightly crooked and her green orbs are filled with happiness.

I look back at Flame who has a smirk plastered on her face, oh god, she's up to no good. "Are you guys siblings? Dylan you didn't tell me you had a freaking twin!" Clara shouts.

I narrow my eyes and look at Clara with a clueless expression. Then she bursts out laughing:"Sorry Flame, hi!" She squealed.

Then she runs away and comes back as quick as she left, hugging a mirror as if it's the most precious thing in her life.

She runs straight in front of us and stretches the mirror so that we can see our reflection in it. My eyes are wide opened in surprise and so are Flames. Me and Flame look identical, except for the hair and eyes. I look at her as she starts whispering something:"I was out with my parents, 2 older brothers, a twin and a younger sister." My breath stops and i feel myself chocking but i keep listening.

"We were playing outside, in a park" she whispers. Her eyes are staring into nothing, as if she's still imagining it. "My parents were crystal wolves. So basically there were rogues. 5 of them. "Run!" My mother screamed then they all shifted. I started to panic and look around as i saw my older brothers fighting of the rogues, but they were too strong and kept coming. Then, one of them snuck up at me. I heard something and turned around, to see the rogue jumping at me. My twin brother jumped in front of me and the rogue tackles him instead. Then i saw them both running. My brother in the front, the rogue chasing him.

I howled in pain as something scratched my leg and looked around. I just spotted my little sister getting carried away as a red wolf jumped me. He brings his claws out and scratches my face. Then my fathers back wolf attacked the rogue. They both rolled around the ground, the next second the rogue is on top and bites my fathers neck. I heard a loud snap, making the world around me spin. I shook my head to hear another crack, my mother.

The world starts spinning around faster and faster. Then i felt some teeth grabbing my neck and I whimpered in pain, but I was too weak and dizzy to respond, the next second i fell into darkness." She says, ending her story.

I spot tears in her eyes. Clara runs up to her and hugs her:"Oh Flame, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry Flame!" She sobs, rubbing Flames back.

They both fall onto the floor, crying into each other's shoulders. Like sisters.

I blink my eyes a couple of times, until my tears have finally find their way back to wherever they came from. "I think i should tell my story too." I say, sucking air between my teeth.

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