Chapter 5: Time

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Being with the one you are in love with is a fantastic thing. I love it more than anything. I have been with Emmett for almost a year now. I go to their house nearly every day. I still balance school, which is easy, considering I don't sleep or eat. My boyfriend's family was alive when most of the study I was learning was invented. Since my dad is busy most of the time, he is okay with me being at Cullen's. I even got to go to Alaska with them to visit their cousins', The Denali. They are all very friendly. When I returned from the summer, I discovered that my sister Bella was coming to stay for my senior and junior years. I was excited. I am on Emmett's lap now, watching him and my second favorite person in the world, Max, play video games.

"Shit," I muttered, glancing at my watch with a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"What's wrong, baby bear?" Max's voice cut through the air, his concern evident as he looked at me.

The nickname "Baby Bear" has stuck since that fateful incident with Emmett and the abandoned cub. Despite my initial annoyance, it had become a term of endearment within the family. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of raising Blue, the young bear, and setting him free in the wild. Bears had always held a special place in my heart, even though they were indirectly responsible for Emmett's transformation into a vampire. But in our unique bond, I was Emmett's baby bear, and he was my big bear—our affectionate nicknames reflecting our dynamic as the youngest and the protector.

"I forgot Bella was arriving today," I admitted, the realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. "I was supposed to go get her with Dad. And that was five hours ago. Dad's going to be pissed."Without wasting another moment, I sprang up from Emmett's lap and dashed to where my trusty 4Runner, Joan, was parked. She had been my reliable companion through thick and thin, always ready for whatever adventure awaited us.

As I revved up Joan's engine, I couldn't shake the sense of urgency. I had to make things right with Dad and ensure Bella's safe arrival, even if it meant facing his wrath for my forgetfulness.

As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the horizon, I rushed home with a sense of urgency gnawing at me. I had lost track of time again, a common occurrence in my newfound life as a vampire. But tonight, my forgetfulness had consequences—I had neglected to pick up my sister, Bella, upon her arrival.

Skidding into the driveway, I noticed an unfamiliar orangish-red truck parked there, adding to my growing sense of unease. Ignoring the subtle pang of guilt in my chest, I dashed inside with vampire speed, bursting through the door with a flurry of apologies.

"I am so sorry I am late," I exclaimed, my heart racing as I faced my dad and Bella. "I got caught up with the guys."

Bella's presence brought relief, and I hugged her tightly, hoping to mask my earlier blunder with warmth and affection.

"We were just heading out for food at the diner. Do you want to join?" My dad asked his expression a mixture of understanding and concern."I would love to come, though I ate at the Cullens', so I am pretty full," I replied, my mind racing with excuses as I tried to deflect attention from my tardiness.As they left, I was left alone with my thoughts, the weight of my negligence heavy on my shoulders. Despite appearing calm, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that I had let my family down once again.Turning my attention to my homework, I was startled by a familiar knock on the window. Opening it, I was met with the sight of Emmett crouched outside, his mischievous grin lighting up his face."Whatcha doin'?" he asked, his voice filled with curiosity."Homework," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant as I moved aside to let him in.As we settled to work, the hours slipped away in a blur of textbooks and whispered conversations. Despite the late hour, our study session was punctuated by playful teasing and stolen kisses, our laughter mingling with the quiet hum of the night.When we finally called it a night, the clock read 2 in the morning, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for Emmett's presence and unwavering support. With Bella's first day looming, I knew that having someone to confide in would be a comfort amidst the uncertainty of the coming days.

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