Chapter 3

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Your POV

"Are you serious?" I laughed as Lauren nodded laughing herself. "Someone actually did that?"

"I'm not even kidding." She smiled. "The girl literally tried to hide in the bathroom."

"That's insane." I continued laughing.

"You should have seen Ally's face when she found her." She giggled and sipped her coffee. "It was priceless."

I don't know how long I've been here on the tour bus with Lauren but I didn't care. I was really enjoying myself with her and she seemed to be having a good time with me.

We actually had a nice few things in common, like music. We even told each other some stories. Mostly funny but I didn't mind because it got hear her laugh and I was enjoying that. She even talked a little about her family and friends here in Miami.

Lauren was so smart it amazed me. The way she would pause to think about something before she would say it, or how passionate she could be, proving just how beautiful her mind was.

Emily was now in the back watching a movie with the other members of Fifth Harmony. They came and hung out with us for a while before they decided go to the back and watch Frozen by request of Camila, Ally and Emily.

Suddenly my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the caller ID. My dad. Great. It was almost twelve and he was probably pissed that I wasn't home.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked probably noticing the change in my expression.

"I have to take this." I said standing up and walking toward the front so nobody could hear me and putting my phone to my ear.  "Hello."

"Where the hell are you?" My father asked through the phone.

"We're still at the concert." I replied.

"What concert?" He questioned.

"The one mom bought Emily tickets to for her birthday." I stated. I've told him a million times that I was going to take her.

"You took your sister to a concert and didn't tell me!" He yelled.

"I did tell you!" I shot back a little annoyed. "More than once."

"Well you get you and your sister back here now." He slurred.

"Are you drunk?" I questioned. "I'm not bringing Emily home to that again."

"You bring her home now." He said angrily.

"Or else what?" I questioned. "Your going to hit me again?"

"You know that was a mistake." He sighed. I could practically see him pacing. "I am sorry."

"I'll get Emily and we'll be home soon." I said and hung up.

The truth was he's only ever hit me once. It was just after my mom had taken off. He was drunk and I was after going out late with my friends. We got in a little trouble and I ended up coming home late. Once it happened he instantly sobered up and apologized. I know he still felt bad about it. My father and I had a great relationship before my mom left, but since then he's been a different man.

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