14 | Welcome Home

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"You sure you're gonna be fine, Kei? I don't think you're still not ready to go back to... you know." Summer said worriedly.

I just gave her a tight hug, grateful for her genuine concern. I understood her, though. She's acting this way because I told her and her brothers that I'm going back to Jace's place. Even I wondered to myself why I decided to go back. For sure, Jace would go back to his evil ways and torture me some more with pointless chores and whatnot. Does my careless decision make me a masochist or something?

"Dude, if something happens, you know who to call." Autumn clapped me on my back.

I stumbled forward for a bit, before giving him a smile. "Yeah. 911, or the Ghostbusters. Either one works."

Summer chuckled while Winter just tried not to smile too wide. I really am grateful they let me live with them for a few days. They're such great friends.

"I'm serious, man. If that lousy yet wealthy businessman does anything to you again, don't hesitate to call me." Autumn said determinedly.

"Yeah, yeah."

Summer hugged me once more, tighter this time. I almost couldn't breathe, but thankfully Winter pulled her away from me. I nodded at him in thanks.

"See you at school, guys." I waved to them, noticing a sleek black car pulling to a stop by the sidewalk where we stood. A uniformed man got out from the driver's seat and opened the backdoor for me.

They waved back. "See ya! Take care!"

After that, I hopped inside the car and the driver closed the door. Then, I was off to Jace's house.


"Welcome home." Jace greeted me at the front door of his huge house.

I rolled my eyes and just walked past him and into the familiar-looking living room. I gazed at the dark couches, with its cushions all scattered around messily all over the grey carpet. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you do to the house while I was gone?"

Jace shrugged and strutted towards me, ruffling my hair. I swatted his hand away.

"Stop that!"

"What? Habits die hard."

"Uh-huh, sure." I said with pure sarcasm.

I went to the long stairway with the intricately-designed railings and padded directly to my room. Or in this case, our room. I opened the door and was greeted by the musky scent of Jace and his belongings.

"Miss the bedroom? Let's have some fun, if you want." Jace said lowly from behind me.

I tried to resist the strong urge to punch him on the face and just blatantly ignored him.

"The silent treatment, eh? I can live with that." He said, feeling him coming to the bed and sat down.

I made my way to the bathroom and decided that I need to shower. But before that...

"Hey." I called his attention.

Jace glanced lazily at me, as if he doesn't have a single care in the world.

"If you expect me to obey your every command, then go fuck yourself. Because I'm not someone's pathetic servant or bell boy. Especially, not yours. And if you so at least treat me like I'm weak and worthless, then say goodbye to this marriage of ours. I also have the right to do anything I want. Don't order me around. You're not the boss of me. We're husbands. I expect for you to fully understand that we have to treat each other as equals. Get it?"

Jace just stared at me intently for what felt like eternity. And I have to admit, I felt very uncomfortable just by the deep look from his eyes. But I would stand my ground and stand by what I said. I won't let him trample me around. Those days were long gone.

I flinched when Jace suddenly got up and took a few steps forward towards me. He stopped just a couple inches from where I stood, still staring at me with those deep and serious eyes.

"Ça va. C'est bien." He said with a nod.

I frowned. "Huh?"

I couldn't help but smirk when he sighed in exasperation.

"Sorry for not understanding a word you said." I said sarcastically.

"I said, ok. That's fine."

"Fine what?"

He groaned. "I meant that I'll comply to your wishes. I will try not to give you a hard time from now on."

I crossed my arms on my chest. "Say you're sorry."

Jace scrunched his nose. "I won't."

I rolled my eyes. Prideful, as ever. But, that's the end of it, I guess. Now that we have come to an understanding, I strongly hope that there won't be any more problems coming our way. I could only take so much drama and struggles in my life.

"Now, that it's settled... change into something formal." Jace said, starting to make his way to the door.

"Why? Where are we going?"

"I want you to meet some people I know."

"And who are they?"

"Just some close friends."

I scoffed. "Is it too much to ask for you to elaborate? Geez..."

"Dépêchez-vous. The party starts at seven."

I looked at the digital clock on the bedside table, my eyes widening in shock when the clock showed it's already six-thirty.

I glanced up to see Jace bringing in an expensive-looking suit. I watched it like it's the crown of Queen of England. The suit is black, just like the dress shirt. But instead of black, the collar of the dress shirt is gray. Also, the front pocket has a short silver chain kind of thing- I dunno- dangling on it.

"When did you buy this?" I asked, still stunned at how smooth the fabric is.

Jace shrugged. "Not too long ago. Now, hurry up and go change. I'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Then just like that, Jace left. I watched at the suit in awe for the last time before stripping off my clothes and hurriedly changing into them. I didn't bother showering because there's no time and just sprayed some Eau de Vert Eau de Parfum which just costs $142 courtesy of Jace himself. He gave it to me as a wedding present. Or so he said.

After grooming my hair for a couple of minutes, I finally went downstairs and was greeted by Jace's driver, the one who drove me here. I felt a little bad for not remembering his name since I live here for almost half a year now.

"Mr. Langlois is already in the car, Sir. Allow me to escort you there."

I just nodded and let him lead the way. Instead of Jace's Porsche, a sleek black limousine awaited just outside the mansion. I resisted the urge to just stand there and carefully hopped inside. The interior alone is mind-boggling and drool-worthy, but I stopped myself.

When the limo started to drive off, I noticed Jace's attire. Now, I know I hate his guts so much... but there's one thing I like about him. The way he looks in a suit just gets to me every time. Like, I'm not even kidding. If it were possible, I would like for him to wear them everyday.

His suit is almost identical to mine, but without the chain. The dress shirt underneath his suit jacket is also black, but its collar is white. I almost felt envious of how he wore the suit like a king, unlike me with my sagging shoulders.

"So, where exactly are we going?" I managed to ask.

"You'll see."

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