Chapter 36

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"Julia Evans." Samil recited her name leisurely, his voice dark and cold as he leaned against the desk that sat behind him. "I see you're conscious now." She stopped herself from snapping at him, choosing to wordlessly leer at him instead. Her jaw was clenched so tightly that it started to ache. "How's your father?"

She glared at him, refusing to acknowledge his words as she discreetly scoped out the room.

"Answer me when I speak to you." He commanded before cracking his neck, sending an involuntary shudder down Julia's spine.

"Fine," she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "He's in good health—enough to murder your miserable ass. This time, he won't be failing."

"Ah, nice to know that you have the same attitude as your mother."

"Don't speak as if you know her."

"We have more history than you can imagine." He chuckled, cocking his head as his gaze swept over her. "But I do know Zane very well. Does that name ring a bell?" Julia inhaled deeply, expelling her breath slowly in an attempt to calm herself. Samil grinned sardonically before he inched his way over to her, stopping directly in front of Julia. She stared daggers at his chest, refusing to look him in the eyes. "Does it hurt? Knowing that he ripped your heart out and left you to suffer with me?"

"Fuck off—" A brute force crashed against the side of her face, the sound of a prominent slap echoing around the room. Her cheek stung, and she came to the realization that she' gotten cut by the bulky ring that wrapped around his middle finger. She bit down at her bottom lip, anger surging through her veins as she thought about him backhanding her.

"We expected a bit more from you," he continued as if he hadn't just hit her, his large hand grabbing hold of Julia's jaw tightly before yanking it up to look at her clearly. Swamp brown eyes leered into her, and she shifted her gaze to his slicked back salt and pepper hair. He reminded her of a godfather in the mafia. "But alas, you're a brainless child, considering you went to Matthew yourself. You truly believed that tapping yourself was a genius plan?"

When she didn't reply to him, he promptly let her face go before stepping back, frowning at her. She finally came to notice his face, which had the tips of a hideous burn mark crawling up his neck and stopping a few inches passed his jaw. She realized that his left arm was probably just as badly scarred, considering that a sleeve fully covered it while the right one was partially rolled up. Perhaps the entire left side of his body was covered in scars and healing burns.

"I had the pleasure of torturing your father once." He murmured through the silence, and Julia looked up at him to see his eyes blazing with excitement. Her heart rate shot up, triggered by his ominous confession to the point of wanting to kill him. "Ever wondered why he was so intent in killing me? Anyone else could have done it, but he insisted on being the sole reason for my excruciating death." Samil slinked back over to Julia, tilting his head down so they were nose to nose. He flashed her one, final smirk. "He wanted to kill me so he could feel the same satisfaction I felt when I experimented with his body."

"You heartless bastard!" Julia roared, bringing her arm back so she could bash her fist into his face. The other man who had been standing quietly before had already made his way behind her, grabbing the arm that she'd thrusted forward. "I will kill you!"

"What can a child like you, do to him?" The man holding her back muttered into her ear coldly, his leather gloves gripping onto her wrist tightly. The material burned her skin as she ripped at his grip. "You're in his territory, girl." Julia seethed at the demonic man in front of her, his smirk fueling her raging fury.

"Have you ever had the chance to look at your father's arms? His back? His entire torso?" Samil questioned diligently, tapping the bottom of Julia's chin in a mocking manner. "I mean, really looked at them?"

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