Chapter Seventeen, I'm Out.

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"Dipper? Dipper are you in there? Why is the door closed? Are you decent?" It was gruncle Stan's voice. Bill jumped off of me and rushed over to his clothes. I joined him and swung open my dresser, throwing on the first shirt and pants I could find.

"Dipper are you ok?" Stan asked, I didn't have time to reply because u was to busy trying to get my clothes on. Bill was doing the same.

"I'm gonna come in-"

"No don't!" I yelled finally, I heard a hand grip the door handle.

"Why not? Dipper what are you-" the door went flying open and I jumped onto my bed and grabbed a book off my end table, pretending to read it innocently. Bill plopped down on the floor and began examining his finger nails as if to look busy.

"Hiding from me...?" Stan finished, I looked at the door, face hotter then the sun, trying my hardest not to look suspicious.

"Hey friend" I said, mentally hitting myself for sounding do awkward. Stan looked around the room and spotted Bill on the floor, whose face was also red as red could be and obviously pretending to look busy.

"I heard you yelling from outside I wanted to know what you were doing," Stan started to look a little nervous.

"I guess I know who you were doing" he said. Bill started to cough as if he was choking and I laughed nervously.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, trying not to seem obvious. Stan looked at me and then at Bill and sighed.

"Well, his shirts on inside out, his pants are also undone and you aren't wearing the same clothes you were when we left and the clothes your wearing right now don't match at all" Stan said. I laughed nervously.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" I asked, Stan leaned on the wall.

"I find your entire ensemble horrid. But what gave it away the most was your hair and the fact that he's got a new wet stain on his shirt" Stan said. I took a shaky breath. We were busted.

"I'm guessing this is Drake" Stan said, when no one answered Bill waved at him.

"Yes, hello. Sorry we had to meet like this" he said, Stan shrugged.

"I don't know what I was expecting leaving Dipper alone here and then barging into his room after hearing him scream the word 'yes' about eighty times." Stan said. I sighed, at least he wasn't mad. Bill got up to shake Stan's hand but Stan stepped back and Bill looked down at his fingers.

"Eh. Your probably right" Bill said and walked back over to his spot on the floor. Stan grabbed the door handle and turned to me and Bill.

"How about you guys collect yourself and then come down for some food" Stan said, me and Bill both nodded. He was about the close the door when he stopped and spotted my lace undies on the foot of my bed. I laughed nervously and tossed a blanket over then.

"I'm not even going to ask" he said and closed the door as he left. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in and turned to Bill, he looked at me and began to laugh and so did I. I stood up and stretched.

"I'm guess we should go clean ourselves up or something" I said, Bill smiled and walked over to the door.

"How about a bubble bath?" He suggested. I smiled and chased after him.

"Best idea you have had all day!" I said, grabbing onto his hand and walking off to the bathroom. Bill laughed at me.

"What about sex?" He said, I rolled my eyes.

"That was my idea" I answered, we both laughed at that as I got the water running. Bill made bubble bath appear and a rubber duck with a top hat. I loved it. The water was just the right temperature and I slid into the bubbles. Bill hopped in afterwards and I sat in between his legs as he scrubbed shampoo into my hair.

"Stan and Ford are talking downstairs" Bill said, I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Oh yeah? What are they saying?" I asked, Bill cleared his throat.

"Well, Ford asked 'is Dipper taking a bath with Drake?' And Stan said 'yeah' then Ford replied with 'and your letting that happen?!' And Stan was like 'you should have been upstairs ten minutes ago'" Bill explained, doing amazing impressions of Stan and Ford as he said their parts. I laughed at him because he was just generally funny. And as I sat in that bath with him and he scrubbed shampoo into my hair, I knew this was someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

We got out of the bath and started drying off, I looked at Bill and just admired his tanned toned body. What a gift, and it was all mine. Losing it to Bill had to be one of the best decisions of my life, and I was so glad it had happened.

"I'm going to have to go down there and see Ford, Stan had no idea who I really was, but I think maybe Ford might he wiser" Bill worried as he got dressed. I stood back and looked at him, scratching my chin with my finger.

"You don't look like Bill Cipher in your pajama's, but perhaps wear that sweater and jeans combo you had on the other day?" I suggested, Bill nodded and snapped his fingers, making his clothes appear on his body. His yellow 'graduated from the academy of insanity' hoodie and black jeans. I nodded and decided to change as well. We both got out of the bathroom and went back into my still empty room. I went though my clothes until I found a blue hoodie and some jogging pants.

"Do you think there is anything else on me Ford might find me out on?" Bill asked, still concerned. I looked him up and down and my eyes landed on his hair, covering his eyepatch, covering his eye.

"The eyepatch is the only thing really, but just make up something about how you got it. Say you got grazed by a bullet or something" I suggested. As Bill thought it over I thought of his eyepatch. He didn't take it off to have sex, but maybe that was just him being polite like "hey, I have a hole in my face it's a huge turn off so let me just keep it covered" but then I thought about the fact that he didn't take it off in the bath either. Which given the circumstances, didn't make much sense.

If there was just a hole there, why would he go through these weird lengths to cover it up all the time? Especially around me? I wasn't going to judge him about it and no matter how weird it was I wasn't going to let it bother me or gross me out, I would have treated him exactly the same. And I feel like Bill knows that much. The only other reason I could think of him hiding his eye from me would be because he wasn't telling me something, like he had an evil plan behind this and that he didn't actually love me. I started to get a sickening feeling in my stomach.

"Ok, so that's our story then. My dad's a hunter a bit out from this town and one day I was playing his his gun and grazed my eye, so now I have to wear this eyepatch. Does that sound convincing to you?" Bill asked, I snapped out of my thoughts and tried to come back to the real world. I processed what Bill said and nodded.

"Sounds perf, shall we go down stairs then?" I asked, Bill nodded and held my hand as we made our way down the stairs.

Bill sat down at the table next to me, we both smelled great after our bath. Mabel was looking at us with a stupid smile plastered on her face as if to say 'I know what you did' Stan was sort of ignoring us but he have us our food - pizza, go figure - and walked away. Ford came into the room and an eerie silence came with him. He looked at Bill and focused on him, as if he was trying to read is mind. I felt nervous, what if Ford could just tell? And he instantly knew that this was Bill. Ford leaned over the table, the chair making a rickety sound almost ear numbingly loud in the silence that had fallen. He looked Bill right in the eye, and I knew it was over.

"You must be Drake! Weird circumstances upon meeting you but I'm sure you didn't mean to make it awkward. I'm not going to make it weird either, you guys are basically adults I don't need to be prying" Ford said, I let out a quiet, sigh of relief knowing that Ford didn't know that Bill was really Bill.


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Shameless self promo's:

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