Chapter 5: Elliot

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Snakes writhed in Elliot's stomach.

This was a bad idea.

His heart hammered so hard against his rib cage that he was sure it would burst.

This was a really bad idea.

His hand trembled as he lifted it to the rich mahogany door.

This was a really, really bad idea.

Elliot ignored the panic flooding through his body and knocked.

"Come in." His step-father was as brief and to the point as ever. Before his legs could carry him back to the kitchen, Elliot pushed open the door, balancing a tea tray in his left hand.

His step-father didn't look up as Elliot approached his desk and put down the tray. While Elliot loitered nervously in front of him, he continued writing; refusing to acknowledge his step-son's presence. Or perhaps he truly didn't notice that Elliot was there, it was hard to be sure.

Before his nerves got the better of him and he bottled, Elliot cleared his throat.

His step-father finished the line he was writing and replaced the lid on his pen before lifting his eyes to meet Elliot's.

"Sir... All of my jobs are done... I was wondering if I might... If you could possibly allow me... To... To accompany you to the ball tonight."

Elliot's cheeks flushed scarlet. He hated that he had to ask. Hated that he was at the mercy of the man who had destroyed his life.


"What?" The word escaped Elliot's lips before he could stop it. His step-father hadn't even considered it, not for a moment. The denial was flat, unfeeling and final.

His step-father raised an eyebrow. Elliot knew that he should give up, that he should retreat to the safety of the kitchen before he did something really stupid, but he couldn't stop himself. Was it just that he wanted a night off? Or was it the opportunity to see her again, even if it was from afar? He wasn't sure which was more pathetic: his desperation to see the girl who shattered his heart, or the grovelling he was willing to go through to achieve it. "Sir, the invitation said that the entire household was invited. There's nothing for me to do here. Surely it wouldn't hurt..." Elliot tailed off at the look on his step-father's face.

"Only I decide when there is nothing for you to do here. The fireplaces haven't been cleaned out in months. It's long over due."

"I'll do it now. If that's what it takes."

"I'm expecting a thorough job, Elliot. Every. Single. Cinder."

"Of course, Sir." Elliot was already retreating form the room, a hopeful smile spreading across his face.

The house had six fire places. Cleaning them all to the last cinder was going to take more time than Elliot had available, but the ball was powerful motivation. Elliot swept and scrubbed until he was covered in ashes, his knees were bruised and hands were blistered.

As his family congregated in the entranceway, ready to climb into the carriage he had polished and prepared for them, Elliot rushed over.

"Alright, Cinder-Eli?" Helios sniggered.

"I think you got a little something on your... everywhere..." Selene added. She and Helios were dressed in their finest clothes; clothes Elliot had spent hours preparing for them the previous night.

Elliot ignored them. "I'm finished. Every fireplace. Would you like to inspect them, Sir?"

"We have no time; as you can see, we are on our way out."

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