Chapter 10: Blake's sad and Mary's evil

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Blake stared out the window of his study and out into the forest. He wanted to run through the bushes. He wanted to fly across the ground and never stop, but he couldn't. He hadn't even told Grim, but his wolf was gone. At least, it was gone at the moment.

It had completely disappeared from the back of his mind, leaving an empty crater where it had once been. It terrified him, being so alone and without his wolfs guidance.

He also hadn't told Grim about Mary. She'd left as soon as she sprinkled him with that horrid substance and he hadn't heard a word from her since. She must have known how long it would take for him to recover and was waiting. He shuddered to think of what she had planned.

But he did know. She planned to kill every single werewolf in the world, and he had no doubt she could. Mary was one of those sorts of people who could do anything she set her mind to. No obstacle was too big for her, nothing to little or big for her to accomplish. When they were younger it was an admirable quality, now it was dangerous.

Blake couldn't condemn his people to that suffering. She'd said it was a watered down dosage, but Blake had never been in so much pain. It was awful. Every where the powder touched felt like acid prickling into his skin and deep into his bones. Where he inhaled it, it burned down his throat and nose. The worst part, other than losing contact with his wolf, was that every single sense became numbed. He couldn't hear, see, smell or even feel. He was in complete blackness, until he'd passed out.

Even days later he still felt the effects. He knew she didn't just have powder either; she had a liquid and even a gas version. She could kill them all easily.

All he had to do to save his species was sacrifice the lives of the hundreds of people in his pack. He knew he couldn't do it, just like he knew he couldn't marry her. But what choice did he have?

Blake sighed and was distracted by the ringing of his phone. He sat himself in his seat and answered it, expecting more concerned pack members.

Instead he got the wolf council.

"Is this Blake Roget?" the voice was formal, clipped and curt.

Blake's eyes widened, "Yes, this is him."

"I believe you called about the Heartless situation that we had in 2003?"

"That's correct."

"What is it you want to know?"


The story started with what Blake already knew. Three enforcers investigated a strange scent and disappeared. They simply were gone, no trace except their clothes and a little bit of blood. Everyone had almost completely given up hope when all three appeared on the side of the road, sitting docile and blankly.

They were sent to the pack doctor where they refused medical treatment, getting extremely agitated whenever anyone attempted to look over them. Finally they gave up, concluding this mean appeared to be in perfect health.

These three men appeared to be in shock but eager to return to their families. The families of the three enforcers were warned to give them time, to let them adjust and then they would learn what happened to them. This did not happen. Twelve days after the men arrived back home, all their families rushed to Gregory to tell him that something was wrong, that these men were not the same.

Their mates reported that their wolves didn't recognise them, that they didn't feel the connection anymore. It was also reported that the men were colder and crueller, one of them bashing his child's cat to death for meowing too loudly at night. They were scared and alpha Gregory decided to bring the men in.

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